Right-Wing Dreams Of Anti-Vaxxer Truckers Clogging Superbowl Was An Epic Fail

Right-Wing Dreams Of Anti-Vaxxer Truckers Clogging Superbowl Was An Epic Fail

Last week, the buzz on right-wing social media was that a slew of American anti-vax truckers, inspired by their crybaby Canadian counterparts, were going to overwhelm the Super Bowl with a convoy of their very own. Because if there's anyone who could manage to ruin something as decidedly apolitical and fun as the Superbowl, it's a bunch of far-right faketriots.

Enter Senator Rand Paul

Republican Senator Rand Paul, never missing an opportunity to pretend to know a thing about freedom and the constitution, was apparently very stocked for this. Despite Paul and his party spending years maligning black football players kneeling to protest racial injustice and police brutality, as well as supporting violent crackdowns of Black Lives Matters protests, they suddenly care about civil disobedience when it nicely coincides with their pro-white, anti-science agenda.

Asked by The Daily Signal about his thoughts on the convoy and the potential for it to spill over into Los Angeles, home of Sunday's Super Bowl, or into the nation's capital, Paul said Thursday that "it'd be great" if the anti-mandate, truck-inspired protests popped in the United States to "clog things up."

"I'm all for it," Paul, a longtime opponent to masking and vaccine mandates, told the conservative media outlet. "Civil disobedience is a time-honored tradition in our country, from slavery to civil rights, to you name it. Peaceful protest, clog things up, make people think about the mandates."

Well, it looks like Senator Paul and the GOP's wet dream of an anti-vaxx brigade of whiny truckers trying to destroy an event revered by normal people who were vaccinated didn't go as planned.

If any truckers showed up, they were barely visible.

"I think they ran out of time," Welton Chang, whose Washington-based firm, Pyrra, has been following online talk about the plan to protest the Super Bowl, said Saturday. He also cited the lack of consensus around whether the marquee sporting event was an appropriate target.

Also, a Reuters review of social media has also found very little support for a Super Bowl plan and very little mention of a Super Bowl protest on TruckersForFreedom, a popular Telegram channel devoted to sharing news from the protests in Canada and elsewhere.

I guess childish and ignorant right-wingers like Senator Paul can still dream.

Michael Hayne is a comedian, writer, voice artist, podcaster, and impressionist. Follow his work on Facebook and TikTok

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