Behold The Most Blistering Major Newspaper Editorial Of Donald Trump’s Disastrous Presidency

Behold The Most Blistering Major Newspaper Editorial Of Donald Trump’s Disastrous Presidency

Reprinted with permission from AlterNet.

The USA Today editorial board’s Monday op-ed, titled “Will Trump’s lows ever hit rock bottom?” caused jaws to drop as the editors raked President Donald Trump over the coals for his pattern of generally despicable behavior.

Of Trump’s sexist attack on Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), the board wrote, “A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush.”

“Donald Trump, the man […] is uniquely awful,” the board explains. “His sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed.”

The board cited his incessant lying, his support of failed Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, and his general bigotry as elements of the president’s “unique awfulness.”
The paper called it a “shock” that only six Democratic senators are calling for the president’s resignation.
“The nation doesn’t seek nor expect perfect presidents, and some have certainly been deeply flawed,” the board concludes. “But a president who shows such disrespect for the truth, for ethics, for the basic duties of the job and for decency toward others fails at the very essence of what has always made America great.”

Chris Sosa is a managing editor at AlterNet. His work also appears in Mic, Salon, Care2, Huffington Post and other publications. Follow him on Twitter @ChrisSosa.


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