Sanders Says Biden Will 'Win In A Landslide' If He Upholds Working Class

Bernie Sanders
Sen. Bernie Sanders

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Sunday expressed confidence that President Joe Biden will win re-election in 2024 by a “landslide,” given the “pretty clear” choice between a leader who upholds democratic values and the GOP, whose leaders “don’t believe in democracy.”

The remarks near the end of the senator’s State of the Union interview on Sunday morning after CNN host Dana Bash asked if voters should consider Biden’s age when deciding who to vote for in 2024.

“[Biden] would be 86 years old by the end of his second term. You're one year older than President Biden,” Bash said. “Is his age something that voters should consider in 2024?”

In response, Sanders noted that voters had more than one factor to consider when deciding whom to cast their ballots for, saying, “Age is one thing, and experience is another thing. I think your record… is another thing.”

Then, Sanders said he believed candidates should be assessed based on “what they stand for” and the side they choose in the fight for working Americans.

“Which side are they on? Are they on the side of the billionaire class, or are they on the side of working people?” Sanders continued.

Sanders — who endorsed Biden’s re-election bid last Tuesday, forgoing another of his own — stated that while he sometimes holds different views than Biden’s, he believed the anti-abortion and anti-democratic stance of the Republican Party are grave threats to the nation.

He also noted that despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary, some prominent figures on the right still held the unfounded belief that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

“But when we live in a nation where you have a major political party, the Republican Party, where many — not all, but many — of their leadership doesn't even believe in democracy, they maintain the myth that Trump won the last election, they're trying to keep people from voting, they're trying to deny women the right to control their own bodies, so that's a whole issue out there,” Sanders said.

He added, “If you believe in democracy, you want to see more people vote, not fewer people vote, I think the choice is pretty clear, and that choice is Biden.”

Sanders concluded by stating that Biden would cruise to victory if he consistently reaffirmed his commitment to all Americans, not the big corporations.

“And, second of all, what I do believe is, the Democrats and the president have got to be stronger on working-class issues. They have got to make it clear that we believe in a government that represents all, not just the few, take on the greed of the insurance companies, the drug companies, Wall Street, all the big money interests, and start delivering for working-class people. You do that, I think Biden is going to win in a landslide,” Sanders stated.

Sen. Bernie Sanders on CNN State of the Union, remarks on 2024 election begin at 6:23

A Wall Street Journal poll released last week showed Biden with a three-point lead over Trump in a hypothetical match-up.

A new WPA Intelligence report based on seven recent national popular vote polls since February showed that Biden would beat Trump by 3.1 percent. The report also showed Biden beating Trump by between one percent and four percent in six battleground states: Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

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