Chicago Tribune, (TNS)
Sorry about this Mr. Candlestick Maker, but employers aren’t looking for you. Companies do, however, need butchers, bakers, mechanics and electricians.
Jobs in the trades top the list of the hardest-to-fill positions in the United States, followed by drivers and teachers, according to Manpower’s survey of employers conducted during 2015’s first quarter.
These positions also are the hardest to fill globally, for the fourth consecutive year. Globally, the survey included responses from more than 41,700 employers in 42 countries and territories.
After those three, the other seven U.S. jobs where there are talent shortages are sales representatives, secretaries/receptionists, managers/executives, nurses, technicians, accounting and financial staff and engineers.
Globally, 38 percent of employers reported they were having trouble filling jobs in 2015, compared with 22 percent of companies in the United States.
(c)2015 Chicago Tribune. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Photo: Handy with wires? Electricians are in demand. Tom Fowler LJTX via Flickr.