Anti-Shariah Laws
Watch out for Muslims? Last week, Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed an anti-abortion law and — in a move that escalated the crazy and, like all the bills in this slideshow, echoed bills previously passed in other states — a ban on the use or citation of “Shariah,” traditional Muslim law, in state courts. Apparently our courts are at risk of being overrun by the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mandated Vaginal Probes
Ok, this was never fully approved — in both Virginia and Alabama, elements of the state house approved a bill that would mandate both ultrasounds and invasive procedures of women seeking abortion. The outcry killed the probe part.
Guns in Church!
Oklahoma, welcome the club.
Teaching Students “Alternatives” To Evolution And Global Warming
Nearly a century after the Scopes Trial, Tennessee declared that it still hates science.
Drug-Testing Recipients of Unemployment Insurance
Arizona, South Carolina, Florida, name your state. Funny fact: people who collect unemployment benefits are people who had a steady job and then lost it for economic reasons. If you’re fired with cause — say, if you’re a drug addict — you can’t collect.