Internet Destroys Don Jr After Claiming His Dad Could Resolve Ukraine Conflict

Internet Destroys Don Jr Over Tweet About His Dad Solving Ukraine Crisis
In his continuous sad and pathetic quest to remain in the spotlight while simultaneously always searching for his daddy's approval, Don Trump Jr recently tweeted to share his disapproval of President Joe Biden's upcoming trip to Belgium as he claimed it “will only embolden our enemies further.”
"Sending Biden to Europe for 'High Stakes' NATO talks will only embolden our enemies further," Trump Jr. tweeted, adding, "If you want to get something done right send Trump."
One, who refers to their own father by using their last name? In any case, Junior was naturally met with a barrage of justifiable snark and criticism over his complete and utter ridiculous tweet. In fact, Some users reminded Trump Jr. of his father's love of Russian President Vladamir Putin, writing "If you want to get something done right (for Putin) send Trump since what we actually want is something done well for America, we're sending Biden."
Michael Hayne is a comedian, writer, voice artist, podcaster, and impressionist. Follow his work on Facebook and TikTok