Jeb Bush isn’t the only candidate that just doesn’t know how to quit George W. Bush. The newest entrant: Marco Rubio, who had some interesting things to say at an event Thursday in South Carolina.
“Jeb Bush has no foreign policy experience, period. And I’m an incredible admirer of him, and of his family,” Rubio declared, in an effort to repel criticism about his own résumé. “I thank God that George W. Bush was president of the United States instead of Al Gore on September 11, 2001.”
And just think: The crowd actually applauded at this — in praise of the president who six months after 9/11 boasted in public that he no longer even thought much about Osama bin Laden.
Of course, we can never know how a President Gore administration would’ve handled terrorism and the 9/11 plot. But we do know what Bush actually did: Talk big about how he’d track down the masterminds behind it, then fail to do so, go to war in Iraq instead, and leave Osama bin Laden alive and well — up until the Obama years.
Video via Reuters