#Endorse This: Trump Is ‘Urinating On You And Telling You To Dance In The Rain’

“Donald Trump continuing his pitch to African American voters…” is an intro we’ve heard a lot this past week, after Trump marked the beginning of a supposed “minority outreach” effort by responding to protests in a black neighborhood in Milwaukee by speaking to a white audience in West Bend, 40 miles away.
Trump has repeatedly declined opportunities to speak to organizations like the NAACP and the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, two prominent groups among many that Republican candidates address as a matter of course.
Then, he unveiled his pitch: “What have you got to lose?!”
The refrain is so offensive on its face — Trump posits that the obvious answer is “nothing” — that many assume Trump isn’t reaching out to black voters at all, but rather to whites hesitant about electing an open racist.
That was the assessment of Eugene Robinson, who we featured in #EndorseThis on Monday. And that is the assessment of New York Times columnist and CNN commentator Charles Blow, who put things a little more bluntly this morning.
Charles M. Blow talks about Trumps attempts at minority outreach on New Day https://t.co/zBdtP3U3sB
— Andrew Troast (@andrewjtroast) August 24, 2016