#EndorseThis: In Storms’ Wake, Can America Rely On Ben Carson? Don’t Ask
September 13 | 2017
![#EndorseThis: In Storms’ Wake, Can America Rely On Ben Carson? Don’t Ask](https://assets.rebelmouse.io/eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpbWFnZSI6Imh0dHBzOi8vYXNzZXRzLnJibC5tcy8yMjgxNDEzNS9vcmlnaW4ucG5nIiwiZXhwaXJlc19hdCI6MTc4MDg5MDAwOX0.p7vE_iDModZlwCL8wyuVpj2Gu2Fr_dp6hm1nTRPqHfU/img.png?width=980&quality=85)
With thousands of federal workers engaged in ongoing rescue and recovery efforts in Florida, Texas, and across the region battered by recent hurricanes, Americans will soon be looking to Washington for vital assistance in rebuilding – as provided by government after hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. But much of that hope resides in the Department of Housing and Urban Development — which is now headed by Dr. Ben Carson.`
Checking in on Dr. Carson, one of the least qualified officials in a truly dismal cabinet, Seth Meyers is…concerned.