In his earnest plea to convict Trump during impeachment closing arguments on the Senate floor, House manager Adam Schiff (D-CA), urged Republicans to retrieve their inner decency. “Truth matters to you, right matters to you,” said Schiff. “He is not who you are.”
But Stephen Colbert says it’s perfectly understandable if Senate Republicans confuse themselves with Trump — because “it’s hard to tell where his ass ends and their lips begin.”
Colbert is having none of the phony angst expressed by the likes of Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski, one of a few Republicans who betrayed expectations by voting against impeachment witnesses last Friday. “It is sad for me to admit that as an institution,” she lamented, “Congress has failed.” No, retorts Stephen, “the Senate Republicans have failed. And you’re one of them.”
And then there’s Lamar! Alexander of Tennessee, whose explanations are even lamer. Colbert has a few choice words for him too.
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