#EndorseThis: Colbert Celebrates Pot Reform By Helping Cheech & Chong Find New Jobs
Looking for a true miracle in the world today? How about marijuana law reform in the age of Trump? The past few months have brought good news for the cause of pot decriminalization, including a ringing endorsement from Chuck Schumer and a shocking directive from the White House for law enforcement to respect states’ rights. Somewhere, Jeff Sessions is weeping.
Any socio-economic progress, including legal pot, leaves someone out in the cold and needing a new career path. In this case it’s Cheech Martin and Tommy Chong, long-time marijuana advocates who can’t afford sage seeds now that need for their work is diminishing. Stephen Colbert finds the legendary comedians in a surprisingly bad mood during a live interview on The Late Show.
Pot “used to be rebellious,” laments Cheech. “This news sucks.” Chong complains that even “John Boner” (Boehner) is no longer a convenient comic foil. But don’t worry. Martin, Chong and Colbert find plenty of other ways to be funny…as you might imagine.
Click for a few non-stoner laughs.