#EndorseThis: Colbert Lights Up Sondland Bombshell

#EndorseThis: Colbert Lights Up Sondland Bombshell

Yes, Stephen Colbert puts it succinctly when he says that GordonSondland, the European Union ambassador, “spilled the T” on his boss DonaldTrump. Testifying before the House Intelligence Committee, Sondland offeredwhat Colbert calls the “historically heroic” excuse: We were just followingorders, imposing a quid pro quo on military assistance and White Housesupport for Ukraine.

Colbert performs a journalistic service by juxtaposing Trump’s absurd claim that he “wanted nothing” from Ukraine with the headlines showing that the whistleblower complaint was filed that same day. No wonder Sondland said the president – usually so sunny – was in a bad mood!

There’s much, much more. You can watch the hearings – and thenyou can get the late-night recap, with insights and laughs.

Just click.

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