Southern white slave owners were the group most responsible for African-American slavery. Sounds like a fairly obvious statement, doesn’t it? Those revisionists who try to blame African slave-traders or other groups are rightfully associated with the the alt-right, the Klu Klux Klan or the lunatic fringe.
Until they start teaching at public universities.
In today’s clip, a group of concerned Florida Atlantic students confront professor Marshall DeRosa. A paid crony of the Koch brothers, DeRosa has used race-baiting language while blaming southern slavery on something called “black supremacy.” The cowardly prof tries to deny the quotes while accusing the kids of bad faith, but a well-armed student sets the record straight by reading DeRosa’s own argument out loud.
It only takes two words for the brutal truth to sink in. Click to watch youngsters chase a racist out of their classroom.
Posted by Adam Wasserman on Monday, April 2, 2018