#EndorseThis: Stephen Colbert Clowns ICE For Sending Babies To Court

#EndorseThis: Stephen Colbert Clowns ICE For Sending Babies To Court

Let it not be said that Late Night With Stephen Colbert‘s opening monologues are only about bad news from Washington D.C. Colbert begins his latest by hailing the rescue of 12 trapped soccer youths in Thailand, who are safe and recovering after a long, miraculous operation involving many thousands of workers.

But soon the topic turns to the migrant crisis at the southern U.S. border. Backbone explains that the Trump Administration has failed to meet a court-ordered deadline for reuniting 102 lost children with their parents.

In fact, ICE’s archaic legal SOP (not to be confused with the SOBs working for ICE) is prompting courtroom scenes that involve one-year-old babies “standing” before a judge.

Colbert’s crack team of cartoonists have yet to create an animated version of the truly absurd proceedings. But if Trump’s White House continues to defy the law, the artists will have plenty of time to draw babies sitting next to bailiffs.

Click for government gone goo-goo.

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