Last week, the media couldn’t stop gushing about how “presidential” Trump sounded during his address to Congress. But within a few days, Trump’s pivot towards sanity veered sharply back, with his most conspiracy laden tweets since he was the nation’s chief “birther.”
According to the Daily Show host Trevor Noah, the Obama wiretapping story is the biggest scandal ever — except for last week’s biggest story ever involving Attorney General Jeff Sessions and the Russian ambassador. Only Donald Trump, joked Noah, would think that damage control involves creating an even bigger scandal.
“How can you be a conspiracy theorist when you’re the president?” Noah wondered. “You’re the person with the access to all the information. People make conspiracies because they don’t know the truth.” He then imagined the president wearing a tinfoil hat and complaining that “the government is spying on me!”
But, he added, “You don’t even have to spy on Donald Trump. You can just follow him on Twitter.”
IMAGE: Screenshot / Comedy Central