Ask any on-the-fence Hillary Clinton supporter why it is that they can’t throw their weight behind The Donald, and their answer usually comes down to one thing: Nukes.
“I can’t image his stubby, paranoid little fingers on the nuclear trigger,” they’ll say.
And they’re right: Trump is a vengeful “counterpuncher” who unloads all of his rhetorical ammo on anyone who crosses him. Gold star mother expressing silent grief over the death of your son? Maybe you aren’t allowed to speak because of your religion, Trump implies. Impartial judge who happens to be presiding over two fraud lawsuits against the Trump University wealth seminar? Your Mexican heritage may imply that you’ll betray the Constitution because you hate Donald’s border wall, Trump repeats on all the shows.
And so it would be on the world stage: Trump wants absolute respect: additional payment for NATO protection, money for border walls, devaluing of currency, perfect trade parity. Global personal domination: “I alone can solve.”
But what if Donald is crossed? Well, it’s not hard to imagine. Morning Joe‘s Scarborough told a story on air this morning of an anonymous tip he received from a one-time Trump foreign policy advisor. It’s as bad as you think.
Watch: What are some major concerns about Trump’s handling of national security? Hayden and #morningjoe weigh in.
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) August 3, 2016