If you’re glued to the TV watching every moment of the Michael Flynn scandal unfold like something out of a John le Carré novel, you’re not alone. Even President Trump’s outrageous tweets and rapid-fire executive orders aren’t distracting enough to pull our attention away from the current White House crisis.
After weeks of speculation surrounding Flynn’s involvement with Russia, he has finally been forced to resign. Why now? Stephen Colbert has a few ideas. As Colbert acerbically remarks, it’s obvious that Flynn was super tired of “winning” and resigned to spend more time with his Russian contacts. Or perhaps Flynn was going for a new Guinness World Record for the shortest time in office.
Press secretary Sean Spicer, the M.C. Escher of bullshit, claims Flynn’s resignation “isn’t a legal issue, it’s a trust issue.” But the Late Night host wonders if what Flynn did was so darn legal, then why did Trump ask for his resignation? Colbert explains,“It’s funny ‘cause it’s treason.”
Now the White House must scramble to find a suitable replacement, and Colbert contemplates the possibility of Gen. David Petraeus. It would be a bold and historic appointment as Petraeus would be the first national security adviser who would have to check with his probation officer before he can take the job.
If Petraeus doesn’t work out, there is always Trump’s third choice — Gen. Bradimir Puddin — who looks suspiciously like Flynn’s best friend, Vladimir Putin.
Watch as Colbert puts a funny spin on a very serious situation.