Fox News buried comments Paul Ryan made on the network in which the former Republican House speaker and current director of Fox News’ parent company said Donald Trump’s willingness to “suborn” the Constitution makes him “unfit for office.” Since Ryan offered that criticism in a June 11 interview with Fox’s Neil Cavuto, every other host and anchor on the network has ignored the remarks — except for Greg Gutfeld, who mocked Ryan’s focus on a “luxury belief.”
Ryan, like many other Republicans who worked closely with Trump during his presidency, is not supporting the former president’s bid for another term. He told Cavuto as much in a Tuesday appearance on Your World and ripped Trump’s lack of character and actions regarding the January 6 insurrection.
“I think it really is just character, at the end of the day, and the fact that if you're willing to put yourself above the Constitution, an oath you swear when you take office,” Ryan explained. “You swear an oath to the Constitution, and if you're willing to suborn it to yourself, I think that makes you unfit for office.”
“I’m a conservative Republican,” Ryan later added. “He’s a populist. He’s not a conservative. I would prefer a party that is based on principles, not personality or populism. This populism is untethered to principles.”
Ryan’s remarks drew coverage from Fox’s cable news competitors CNN and MSNBC. But if Ryan expected Fox to similarly spread his message to its right-wing viewers, then he misinterpreted the function of the outlet he oversees on the Fox Corp. board of directors.
None of Fox’s “news-side” shows mentioned Ryan’s Trump criticism (Cavuto reaired comments Ryan made about the national debt on the Wednesday edition of his Fox News show). The only Fox figure to cover Ryan's remarks was Greg Gutfeld, the Trumpist host of the network's evening “comedy” show, who raised the comments there and during a segment on The Five.
“I was watching Cavuto yesterday before The Five, I was watching Paul Ryan.” Gutfeld said on Wednesday’s edition of the panel show. “He says he has a problem with Trump's character and he's not — he's going to waste his vote on a write-in. Well, your principled take on character is to be admired but it doesn't put a damn penny, a damn dime in a waitress' purse.”
“Character in 2024 is a luxury belief,” Gutfeld added. “You can talk about character all you want. Low taxes is not a luxury belief. It's a belief that ensures your survival and gets food on the table.”
The host reiterated this take on his own show that evening.
“He's talking about the Constitution being undermined, which it wasn't,” Gutfeld sneered after airing Ryan’s comments. “He's talking about character. Fine, prattle on about character. Some waitress at the Golden Corral and Sparks, Nevada, may go home with more money, but no thanks to your principled takes on character.”
“Sorry, that's a luxury belief,” Gutfeld concluded.