#EndorseThis: Lincoln Project Burns Fox News Phonies And Their 'Trump TV'

#EndorseThis: Lincoln Project Burns Fox News Phonies And Their 'Trump TV'
Screenshot from Lincoln Project's 'Trump TV'

Everybody complains about Fox News – lately even Trump! – but nobody ever does anything about the toxic Murdoch network. Until now, that is, because today the Lincoln Project delivered a brutally mocking two-minute video of right-wing sycophants posing as broadcast journalists. Watching Lou Dobbs, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity abandon all dignity before their orange-tinted White House idol is truly hilarious, even more so now that Trump is constantly bitching about them.

No matter how abject and servile they are, we know there's never enough groveling to satisfy this empty narcissist. It's not a happy topic for them or their steroid-maddened master.

Hearing that the Fox News gang doesn't appreciate the "Trump TV" takedown, Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson taunted them on Twitter: "Come at me, bro." So far, none of them has showed up.

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