“Inconsistencies” in the reporting of ballots andtechnological problems have delayed final results in the Iowa caucuses, saidparty officials during the early hours on Tuesday morning. Results will bereleased later in the afternoon, they said.
IowaDemocratic Party chair Troy Price told reporters that party officials are checkingelectronic data against paper records in order to validate results from all ofthe state’s 1700 precincts. While the system had not suffered any intentionaldisruption such as a hack or intrusion, Price said, the verification process was“taking longer than expected.”
LocalDemocratic officials told reporters that they were having problems with acomputer app used to tabulate and report their precinct results. With Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) apparentlyin the lead, according to early tabulations, his frustrated campaign manager releasedpartial results showed that he had won the most precincts — followed by SenatorElizabeth Warren (D-MA), former South Bend, Indiana mayor Pete Buttigieg, formerVice President Joe Biden, and Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN). Technology entrepreneurAndrew Yang and billionaire activist Tom Steyer were also competing.
Thecandidates swiftly moved on to New Hampshire, site of the first primary, amid renewedcomplaints about the troubled caucus system.