Late Night Roundup: ‘A Pap Smear Campaign’

Late Night Roundup: ‘A Pap Smear Campaign’

Larry Wilmore looked at the political fight over Planned Parenthood: “Another failed attempt to defund Planned Parenthood by the right? This is the eighth vote to defund them in eight years — two more, and they get a free breast exam taken away from a low-income woman!”

Larry also lambasted the willful lack of nuance, context, or facts in the anti-Planned Parenthood campaign — such as refusing to discuss the key information on medical research — and he coined a new phrase for what’s going on: “That’s why I’m calling this Planned Parenthood attack for exactly what it is — it’s a Pap smear campaign. It is, I’m sorry, but it is, that’s exactly what it is. And in a Pap smear campaign, people don’t care about facts. So these attacks don’t seem to be revealing any illegal activity. Instead, they’re shaming women, their health practitioners, and doctors.”

Larry also teamed up with the rest of The Nightly Show crew — Holly Walker, Robin Thede, and even Mike Yard — to show the makeshift substitutes procedures that women will need if their health services all get defunded.

Over at The Daily Show, Jon Stewart and Jessica Williams looked back at the crazy people the show has interviewed over the years, who seem so amazingly willing to say outrageous stuff. “They are real, and they do know who we are,” Jessica explained, “and they don’t care, because we bring a camera with us.” And after working on an update segment, Jessica even found that they’re still happy to keep on talking.

Conan O’Brien was looking forward to Thursday night’s Republican debate: “Just like Celebrity Apprentice, you’ll see Donald Trump on TV yelling at people you barely recognize.”

Jimmy Fallon and The Roots band all got specially heckled — by the legendary Don Rickles.

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