Trevor Noah sat down for an in-depth interview with former CIA Director Michael Hayden, on the complex moral issues of fighting against terrorism through the use of drone strikes.
Hayden invoked a recent title that The New York Times gave to an op-ed he published in the paper, “Drone Strikes: Necessary, Precise — And Imperfect.” But wait, Trevor asked — aren’t “precise” and “imperfect” contrary to each other? Hayden’s response: “Not in the real world.”
Larry Wilmore gave a preview of the kind of rhetoric that will be used against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) blocking President Obama from making any appointment to the Supreme Court: “So hold on, in his mind he’s hoping Donald Trump gets to pick the next Supreme Court justice? Do you really want that? ‘My son Eric is a dud. I don’t want him in charge of Trump stuff, so let’s put him somehwere he won’t do any real damage — the Supreme Court. It’ll be huuuuge.”
Seth Meyers examined the appeal that Bernie Sanders’ democratic socialist platform has for young people — and the freak-out reactions of the conservative establishment. The best example: Bill O’Reilly swaring that if Bernie is eleted, he’ll move to Ireland — where in fact they have free college and universal health care.
Stephen Colbert spun through the latest headlines on the “Wheel of News”: “According to The Wall Street Journal, Donald Trump’s campaign might be destroying marriages — which is shocking, becaupse up until now, all Trump was destroying was the Republican Party.”
Conan O’Brien: “U.S. astronaut Scott Kelly is about to return to Earth after spending an entire year in space. Isn’t that amazing? A whole year in space — that’s crazy. Then he saw Donald Trump’s poll numbers and said, ‘You know, I’m good up here.'”