Larry Wilmore interviewed Bree Newsome, the woman who took down the Confederate flag at the South Carolina state Capitol grounds. And yes, as Bree had hinted on her Twitter account, the two of them enjoyed some nice Southern-style mint juleps together.
“Once I got up there and grabbed it,” she said, recounting her experience to the adoring Nightly Show crowd, “it was like, ‘Yes — take me to jail!'”
Jon Stewart paid tribute to a man who has been with him all throughout his run on The Daily Show: Donald Trump, who has provided so much material over the years. And now The Donald is slandering whole countries, losing business connections, and exposing his own utter unseriousness via his farce of a candidacy — and getting to second place in the polls.
Larry Wilmore also looked at the latest escapades from Donald Trump, and had an offer for Republican voters: “Okay, this is one time I’m not gonna chastise you, I’m not gonna ridicule you. You keep doing what you’re doing, okay — so I can keep doing what I’m doing.”
Conan O’Brien also reviewed the news that Macy’s will no longer carry Donald Trump’s menswear line — and Petco will no longer carry his shampoo.