Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan, media-anointed Serious Fiscal Conservative Republican, defended his Medicare evisceration plan in an interview with conservative outlet Newsmax yesterday, and in so doing set himself up for a fight with one of the most powerful constituencies in America–seniors:
“So government-run and government-rationed Medicare is what the Obama plan is,” Ryan says. “We get rid of the rationing, stop the raid, and we give future seniors a choice in how their benefits will be delivered to them.”
Asked point-blank whether he feels the AARP is scaring seniors, Ryan replied: “Yes, I think they are, I think they’re frightening seniors. And I think [they] are showing their political stripes a little bit more. I think AARP, which helped pass Obamacare, which moves toward a government healthcare system . . . that’s more the philosophy I think they’re trying to push through.”
Unlike a lot of other groups Republicans like to go after–the poor, minorities–seniors vote in overwhelming numbers, and the AARP is an enormously influential lobby in Washington. Picking a fight with them would be like Montana Senator Max Baucus or another red-state Democrat going after the National Rifle Association. GOP leaders need to get this guy a new press shop. [Newsmax]