QAnon Congresswoman Says She Will ‘Impeach Biden’

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene

QAnon Congresswoman Says She Will 'Impeach Biden'

Screenshot from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Twitter.

Reprinted with permission from American Independent

Freshman Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) announced Wednesday night that she plans to file articles of impeachment against President-elect Joe Biden the day after he takes office. Her statement was met with silence from Republicans who had slammed the second round of impeachment proceedings against Donald Trump as divisive.

"On Jan. 21, 2021, I'll be filing Articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden for abuse of power," Greene tweeted after the House of Representatives voted 232-197 to impeach Trump for the second time.

Greene took to far-right network Newsmax to confirm her intention later in the evening: "I would like to announce on behalf of the American people, we have to make sure that our leaders are held accountable. We cannot have a president of the United States that is willing to abuse the power of the office of the presidency and be easily bought off by foreign governments, foreign Chinese energy companies, Ukrainian energy companies. So on Jan. 21, I will filing articles of impeachment on Joe Biden."

Greene's reliance on debunked conspiracy theories to impugn Biden meshes with her spouting of support for QAnon right-wing conspiracy theories about a "deep state" at war with Donald Trump, made up of child sex traffickers and cannibals.

During another appearance on Newsmax Thursday morning, Greene was asked if her fellow Republicans supported her plans.

"Well, I've already spoken with quite a few of them before I released this information and my plan to introduce articles of impeachment on Jan. 21," she said. "Look, the Republican Party needs to change things up. The silent majority in this nation is fed up with being the target and not having representatives, not having people in Congress stand up for them."

She said Democrats have "no intention of unity, they have no intention of healing, they only have full-scale plans to make everyone lay down, sit down, and shut up, and just go along with whatever they want to do, which is censorship."

Greene's colleagues in the House have repeatedly claimed that impeaching Trump would only stir division in the country, but have remained silent on her threats to impeach Biden.

Two days after the attack on the Capitol that left five dead, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy tweeted that "impeaching the President with just 12 days left will only divide our country more."

Rep. Tim Burchett (TN) claimed on Twitter that while Trump "showed extremely poor leadership" by inciting an attempted coup, "there is no good constitutional argument for impeachment."

"Speaker Pelosi knows the Senate will not try this case before the President leaves office. Impeachmentwill only worsen divisions, rather than uniting us," Burchett added.

Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado criticized the supposed divisiveness of impeachment proceedings on Friday, tweeting, "Democrats to introduce articles of impeachment on Monday. New year, new impeachment. Same disrespect for our Constitution."

Rep. Chip Roy of Texas tweeted on Friday, "To impeach @POTUS at this point, with fewer than two weeks remaining in his term, would be nothing more than a reckless political statement. By its design, it will only further sow division and heighten tensions among the American people."

Rep. Bryan Steil (WI), said Friday that Biden must "condemn this reckless move" to impeach Trump.

"From the riots in Kenosha, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis and dozens of other cities to what happened in D.C. this week, what we need right now is leaders to tone down their actions, not enflame the situation," he wrote on Facebook.

Freshman GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado, another QAnon fan, slammed Democrats for talk of "expedited impeachment proceedings."

"Either Democrats are going to be honest about calls for unity or they will continue with this rhetoric. Can't do both," she tweeted.

On Saturday, Rep. Jim Jordan of Ohio weighed in: "Unity and healing doesn't happen with cancel culture and impeachment."

Rep. Kevin Brady (TX) took to Twitter, claiming that those calling for Trump's impeachment were "calling for action that is equally irresponsible and could well incite further violence."

"Will seeking political retribution calm the violence and division in our nation? We can keep canceling one another, hurting one another, hating one another, or we can stop," tweeted Nebraska Rep. Jeff Fortenberry on Monday.

The offices of Fortenberry, Brady, Buck, Jordan, Boebert, Steil, Roy, Burchett, and McCarthy did not respond immediately to a request for comment on Greene's remarks.

Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.

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