'Put Me In Jail': Fierce Vaccine Resistance By Far-Right Republicans

'Put Me In Jail': Fierce Vaccine Resistance By Far-Right Republicans

Republican and vaccine skeptic Todd Engle in front of his home in Martinsburg, West Virginia, on March 18, 2021; he is one of many Republicans around the country who voice concerns about the vaccine

Photo by AFP

Martinsburg (United States) (AFP) - Patients stream steadily into the Covid vaccine center that Todd Engle can almost touch from his West Virginia backyard. But like scores of other Republican voters, force would likely be required to get a dose into his arm. Many of the party's millions of supporters are among the nation's most vaccine-skeptical people, which experts see as a dangerous barrier to finally taming the virus that has killed more than 540,000 in the United States. "If they try to make me get it, they're just going to (have to) put me in jail," the 58-year-old Engle told AFP from t...

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