Tag: ann coulter
GOP Delegates Complain About Trump's 'Dishonest' Platform Process

GOP Delegates Complain About Trump's 'Dishonest' Platform Process

Two years ago, some right-wing media figures — most notably, author Ann Coulter — viewed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as the future of the Republican Party and claimed that Donald Trump's influence had seriously declined. But in fact, Trump's stranglehold on the GOP grew even stronger.

Trump increased his influence not only on the Republican National Committee (RNC), but also, on the official 2024 GOP platform.

In a New York Times article published on July 18, reporters Jonathan Swan, Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman detail Trump's campaign to dictate that platform.

"It was the ruthless efficiency of a process months in the making that squelched, silenced or steamrolled any forces who might oppose Mr. Trump," the reporters explain. "The result was the latest evidence of the political maturation of Mr. Trump and his operation."

Trump, according to Swan, Goldmacher and Haberman, was a total micromanager during the process of crafting the platform and "made clear to his team that he wanted the 2024 platform to be his and his alone."

Longtime Republican Gayle Ruzicka, who has served on several platform committees, is critical of the way the process was handled this time.

The Times journalists report that Ruzicka "said the participants had been told" one evening "that there would be subcommittee meetings" — but "instead, she said, delegates were handed what they were told was a draft on Monday."

Ruzicka, they add, "said that after roughly two hours and no amendments considered, the draft was ratified in full."

Ruzicka told the Times, "It was not honest, and that was what bothered me."

Tabitha Walter, executive director of Eagle Forum — the anti-feminist Religious Right group founded by the late Phyllis Schlafly in 1972 — is also highly critical of the way the platform was handled. And she said one woman in particular hounded her.

"Anywhere I would go get coffee and go to the bathroom, she would follow me around," Walter told the Times. "Any time I would take notes, she would read them."

Walter complained that the platform process "felt very hostile" and even compared it to "strong-arming."

According to Swan, Goldmacher and Haberman, Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin (one of the Republican delegates) "brought a laptop and printer" during a platform meeting — before "there was a quick vote to confiscate those and any other electronics."

"Mr. Kolodin said he had submitted ideas to the Trump team before the platform committee meeting but did not realize those gathered would have no actual say in the final document," the Times journalists report.

Kolodin told the Times, "This is all for show…. We all would have felt more respected by that upfront approach."

At that meeting, according to Swan, Goldmacher and Haberman, attendees "handed over their phones to party officials, who sealed them in the magnetic pouches."

"Mr. Trump and party operatives were allowed to keep their devices," the Times reporters note. "Only delegates and guests were denied the ability to communicate with the outside world."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Ann Coulter

'We're Getting Slaughtered': Coulter Blames Lost Elections On Religious  'Zealots'

Over the years, conservative firebrand author Ann Coulter hasn't been shy about attacking "godless" liberals. And she has defended the Religious Right on many occasions.

But since the U.S. Supreme Court's 2022 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the anti-abortion Coulter has argued that red states are going much too far with their restrictions on abortion.

Coulter, during a mid-February appearance on Bill Maher's HBO show Real Time, argued that religious "zealots" are causing Republicans to lose elections they should be winning. The subject came up during a discussion of Republicans losing ground among young female voters.

When Maher predicted that abortion would be "the Achilles heel for the Republican Party in the next election," Coulter agreed — saying, "Abortion is really hurting Republicans. I don't think you can blame all Republicans for this…. I'm glad (Roe v. Wade) was overturned by the Supreme Court…. I think it was disgusting to call that a constitutional right. But it has been sent back to the states. That's all we ever wanted. And guess what, fellow pro-lifers, we're getting slaughtered."

Coulter added, "There have been seven direct-to-the-people votes. And the tiniest restriction on abortion loses overwhelmingly — in Montana, in Kentucky, states that Trump won, Kansas…. And it isn't Republicans per se pushing this. It is these pro-life zealots who just, they don't care — I'm going to be pure, and did you see my writeup in the Catholic Insights Magazine? And you guys are like the corporate Republicans who will not give up on your cheap labor. We have to tell them: We can give you some things, but we can't give you everything — or we're just going to lose."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Ann Coulter

Social Media Light Up Over Ann Coulter's Abortion 'Compromise'

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter has come out swinging lately against the Republican Party's tireless crusade to outlaw abortion. On Wednesday, the controversial pundit fired off another round of criticism of the GOP on Twitter.

"COMPROMISE SOLUTION ON ABORTION! Ban abortion for registered Republicans only," Coulter wrote.

This attitude follows similar complaints that Coulter has lodged in recent weeks toward right-wing lawmakers who keep digging their heels in deeper on the issue of reproductive freedom.

On April 5, Coulter tweeted that "the demand for anti-abortion legislation just cost Republicans another crucial race," referring to the Wisconsin Supreme Court seat that flipped from Republican to Democrat in the election on Tuesday, April 4. "Pro-lifers: WE WON. Abortion is not a ‘constitutional right’ anymore! Please stop pushing strict limits on abortion, or there will be no Republicans left."

Jezebel's Caitlyn Cruz opined at the time that Coulter was "right!" adding that "anti-abortion activists won a major victory in overturning Roe v. Wade, but instead of just basking in the glow of victory and chilling the f*ck out, anti-abortion activists have only used it as a starting point to push for more and more extreme restrictions."

Cruz further noted that "abortion is—if I may repeat myself—quite a popular right to have in the United States. People want to be in control of their own bodies and make decisions with their doctors. Until conservatives get this idea through their thick skulls, they will continue losing elections and become less and less relevant (fingers crossed!) in American politics."

That sentiment was echoed on Wednesday in the comment thread under Coulter's latest proclamation. As indicated in the reactions, if Republicans are so deadset against terminating pregnancies, then they are free to not.

People were also pleasantly surprised to find themselves concurring with Coulter.

HollyCabot: "Amen!! I have always maintained good conservatives do not abort their children.. sooooo..."

Jeni Topali: "I Never, Ever thought I would agree with you. EVER! but on this one I do."

Lizzie Black: "And we agree!"

Dimitry Yakoushkin: "We've reached the time of day when a broken clock tells the... ahem... 'right' time."

Jen: "The whole nine yards, too! Registered Republican women get their periods tracked. They get stopped by the police if they try to cross state lines. That's what they want for everyone else - they can do a trial run, themselves!"

Ken Baker: "Brilliant for all the right and wrong reasons."

Bob Smith: "I've always said: If you don't want an abortion, don't have one."

Rollin Reisinger: "Perfect. While we're at it let's give a tax credit to everyone under 45 who's snipped. We can pay for it via offsets to the CTC as CBO will confirm."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Coulter Warns Republicans: 'Stop Pushing Strict Limits On Abortion'

Coulter Warns Republicans: 'Stop Pushing Strict Limits On Abortion'

The anti-abortion movement suffered a major disappointment on Tuesday, April 4, when liberal Milwaukee County Circuit Court Judge Janet Protasiewicz defeated far-right MAGA Republican Dan Kelly by 11 percent in a race for a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court. Protasiewicz campaigned aggressively on abortion rights, hammering Kelly nonstop as an anti-choice "extremist."

Right-wing author/pundit Ann Coulter, who identifies as "pro-life," was quick to weigh in on Protasiewicz's double-digit win. And she acknowledged that abortion has become a major liability for her party, tweeting, "The demand for anti-abortion legislation just cost Republicans another crucial race. Pro-lifers: WE WON. Abortion is not a 'constitutional right' anymore! Please stop pushing strict limits on abortion, or there will be no Republicans left."

Technically, the Wisconsin Supreme Court race was nonpartisan. But Protasiewicz enjoyed considerable Democratic Party support, while MAGA Republicans and the religious right got behind Kelly.

Protasiewicz was hardly the first post-Roe v. Wade candidate to prioritize abortion rights and enjoy a double-digit victory. In the 2022 midterms, pro-choice Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer defeated far-right Republican challenger by 11 percent. And in Pennsylvania, Democratic now-Gov. Josh Shapiro won by around 15 percent after attacking the GOP nominee, State Sen. Doug Mastriano, relentlessly on his abortion record.

In an article published by Politico on April 8, journalist Steven Shepard emphasizes that abortion is becoming more and more of a liability for the Republican Party. And he cites polls showing that Americans on the whole are even more pro-choice that they were in the past.

"Conservatives are finding out the hard way that abortion isn't a 50-50 issue anymore," Shepard explains. "Janet Protasiewicz's 11-point blowout victory this week for a state Supreme Court seat in Wisconsin was just the latest example of voters who support abortion rights outnumbering — and outvoting — their opponents. There was little polling in Tuesday's race, but in a 2022 midterm exit poll of the state, a combined 63 percent of Wisconsin voters said abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while only 34 percent thought it should be illegal in all or most cases."

The reporter adds, "Moreover, for the 31 percent of 2022 voters who said abortion was their most important issue — second only to inflation at 34 percent — they overwhelmingly backed Democratic Gov. Tony Evers (83 percent) and Democratic Senate candidate Mandela Barnes (81 percent), who lost narrowly to GOP Sen. Ron Johnson."

During the 1990s and 2000s, Shepard observes, Gallup found that Americans were "divided roughly evenly between those who called themselves 'pro-life' and 'pro-choice.'" But now, the reporter adds, polls show "roughly six in 10 voters supporting legal abortion in most cases."

In February, Gallup found that 69 percent of "U.S. adults" were "dissatisfied with abortion laws."

Pew Research Group, in 2022, found that "a 61 percent majority of U.S. adults say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37 percent think abortion should be illegal in all or most cases."

In January, a National Public Radio/Ipsos poll found that three in five Americans believe that abortion should be legal in all or most cases.

In an article published by CNN on April 9, reporter Harry Enten cited the abortion issue and former President Donald Trump's legal problems as two major liabilities for the GOP in 2024.

"Neither abortion nor Trump seem to be going away as an issue in 2023," Enten observes. "Abortion was at the forefront of the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, with liberals hoping that a win by Protasiewicz would provide them with a majority to legalize the procedure statewide. And Trump remains the clear favorite for the GOP nomination for president, despite his indictment and continuing unpopularity among the general electorate. If those things don't change going into 2024, Republicans may be in big trouble."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

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