Tag: dr. stella immanuel
Tucker Carlson

Top Right-Wing Media Figures Rally Around Trump's ‘Demon Sperm’ Doctor

Reprinted with permission from MediaMatters

Here's how the right-wing media's obsession with conspiracy theories and the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine resulted in "demon sperm" trending on Twitter.

On Monday afternoon, Breitbart published a video featuring Houston-based pediatrician Dr. Stella Immanuel and other members of the conservative "America's Frontline Doctors" group making false and dubious claims about the novel coronavirus at a press conference organized by the right-wing political nonprofit Tea Party Patriots. Notably, during the event, Immanuel claimed hydroxychloroquine is "a cure" for COVID-19 and the numerous studies showing the drug is ineffective are "fake science." The video went hyper-viral and was repeatedly shared by President Donald Trump on Twitter before being removed by Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube.

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