Tag: endorse this
Endorse This! Kimmel Reveals The Stupidest Thing About MAGA Republicans

Endorse This! Kimmel Reveals The Stupidest Thing About MAGA Republicans

If the Trump presidency (and post-presidency) has taught us anything, it's that there is no shortage of stupidity in the Republican Party, which now revolves around debunked insane conspiracies and denying the 2020 election rather than actual policy issues.

Perhaps that explains why Jimmy Kimmel was aghast over a new report that shows election-denying pro-Trump Republicans will be on the ballot in half the nation during the midterm elections

.“How is this a thing?” Kimmel asked on Wednesday night's episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live. “There is literally no evidence of any kind of fraud, certainly not fraud that could’ve come anywhere close to changing the outcome of the election...And yet these lowlifes continue with this lie,” he said.

“It’s the dumbest thing. Imagine if half the Republican nominees believed that chicken is a vegetable, and just said, ‘That’s it.’ This is exactly as dumb as that.”

Watch the entire segment below:

Endorse This! Daily Show Rips Trump Allies Over Clinton Hypocrisy

Endorse This! Daily Show Rips Trump Allies Over Clinton Hypocrisy

When it comes to "Do as I say and not as I do," Republicans have no competition. Forgetting how they once assailed Hillary Clinton for conduct that doesn't even resemble Trump's colossal corruption, they've unleashed a butthurt fury at the Justice Department over the FBI raid of Trump's residence in Mar-A-Lago.

The Daily Show trounced them for this despicable hypocrisy in a video that highlights Trump's allies "talking about Hillary" while showing FBI agents entering Mar-a-Lago.

The contrast is hilarious and deeply revealing. (They won't think so.)

Watch the entire segment below:

Endorse This! Colbert Mocks Eric Trump's Lame FBI Raid Defense

Endorse This! Colbert Mocks Eric Trump's Lame FBI Raid Defense

After flouting every law in the book and avoiding accountability throughout his entire adult life, former President Donald Trump was finally served a hefty helping of justice when the FBI raised his Mar-A-Lago residence this week.

Late Show host Stephen Colbert gleefully mocked Eric Trump for telling Sean Hannity that all the agents would find at his dad's estate is a “note from me telling him how proud I am of him and what a great job he was doing as president.”

Colbert tucked his upper lip above his teeth and asked the FBI: “Did you find a note of him saying how proud he is of me? Keep looking… the truth is out there.”

Colbert also highlighted “one inconsistency” in Eric Trump’s story. Apparently, he was “with” his father when he got the call about the raid, but then “called” his father to tell him about it

Impersonating Eric, Colbert said, “Dad, it’s me, over here!” he said. “It’s me, your son. Not the one you like, the other one. I have terrible news: I’m in the room with you.”

Watch the entire clip below:

Endorse This! Colbert Scolds Trump For Bad Bathroom Behavior

Endorse This! Colbert Scolds Trump For Bad Bathroom Behavior

The political world was rocked by the FBI raid on former President Donald Trump's Mar-A-Lago residence, perhaps prompted by reports that he had flushed classified intelligence documents down the toilet. Not surprisingly, Late Show host Stephen Colbert found this image laughable if alarming. (Over the weekend, New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman had revealed photos from a White House source revealing scraps of paper at the bottom of a toilet bowl.)

“To be fair, it’s unclear if those are official White House documents or his toilet’s suicide note,” Colbert noted, although the papers did appear to have Trump’s Sharpie handwriting, as well as the name “Stefanik” written on them -- as in Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY).

“Congrats Elise! I heard the president dropped your name,” Colbert quipped.

“Not the first time the former president tried to flush something embarrassing. One time, staffers went in there and found Eric,” said Colbert, evidently referring to the president's second son.

Watch the entire mirthful segment below:

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