Tag: eric trump
Trump To Address Extremist 'Prophets' Who Say He's 'Anointed To Be King'

Trump To Address Extremist 'Prophets' Who Say He's 'Anointed To Be King'

Former President Donald Trump is scheduled to address a group of extreme right-wing media “prophets” and pastors who have claimed that “demonic forces” are behind the popularity of the Harris campaign, declared that Trump is “anointed to be king,” and said that Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris and vice presidential candidate Tim Walz “go to churches that are synagogues of Satan” because they are Baptist and Lutheran.

The 11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting, scheduled for October 21 in North Carolina, is apparently being organized by Clay Clark, co-founder of the ReAwaken Tour, which holds events across the country that have featured QAnon influencers, pro-Trump prophets,” Christian nationalists, and figures who have praised Hitler. Clark has promoted numerous conspiracy theories, including that Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, may have been replaced by a clone created by the Chinese government and that the U.S. government created or worsened Hurricane Helene through “weather manipulation.”

Clark revealed in a recent interview that Eric Trump had asked him to organize the event because “we need to get together the nonwackadoodles.” “That was the phrase Eric used, ‘nonwackadoodles,’” said Clark, “the serious faith leaders, the people that are actually committed to saving this country. And he said, ‘Clay, we need to get them together, my father needs to be able to address this community.’” He added that the event is “an invitation-only thing” and “we're vetting everybody very carefully.”

Clark claimed in an interview with Pizzagate conspiracy theorist Jack Posobiec (who also stated during the interview that he will attend the event) that “of the faith leaders and the pastors that are committed to coming to this event — which is an invite-only, you can’t buy a ticket — so far, we have over 300 million YouTube subscribers represented in the audience, so that means we have some of the biggest, needle-moving pastors and faith leaders that are coming from all across America to hear directly from Donald J. Trump.”

Although a list of attendees does not seem to be publicly available, Clark has suggested multiple pro-Trump “prophets” and outlets will be in attendance and even speaking alongside Trump. Promoting the event, Clark said that “some of America's leading pastors will be in attendance — people like Jonathan Cahn, Mark Driscoll, Robin Bullock. I mean, it's going to be incredible. Steve Shultz, ElijahStreams.” Clark also noted in a separate interview that “prophet” Amanda Grace would be in attendance.

The figures Clark mentions as planning to attend notably stem from an influential “prophetic” charismatic Christian movement that has been mobilizing supporters ahead of the election and reportedly believes reelecting Trump is part of a spiritual war against demons.

Here are some of the extreme media figures and supposed “nonwackadoodles” that Trump will be addressing, according to Clark:

  • Jonathan Cahn is a “doomsday prophet” and author who has claimed that the Bible predicted Trump’s 2016 election and suggested that progressive cultural change is a result of ancient gods influencing cultural shifts. Cahn has claimed that an ancient goddess is “seeking to possess an entire generation” into supporting LGBTQ rights and compared abortion to “child sacrifice.” He also recently spoke at the “Million Women” worship rally in Washington D.C., where he used a sledgehammer to hit a “pagan altar to ‘Ishtar,’ an ancient Messopotiamian goddess whom he claims is behind ‘the sexual immorality that that enslaves this culture,’” per Rolling Stone. In an interview with Posobiec, Clark confirmed that Cahn is “going to be one of the speakers.”
  • Robin Bullock is a pastor and self-proclaimed “prophet” who has said that “Trump was anointed to be king twice,” claiming that Trump has “been president this whole time” and “heaven recognizes him as president.” Bullock also bizarrely claimed to have traveled into the future and prevented an assassination attempt against Trump. He has also claimed that he “watched [God] create the world one time,” predicted that the “glory” of God “will invade the halls of Congress” and “demon-possessed congressmen are going to manifest,” and said that there are “witches and warlocks employed” at the U.N. “advising government officials.”
  • Amanda Grace is a self-proclaimed “prophet” who shares her prophetic visions, which she claims come from God, on YouTube and other streaming platforms. Grace has said that the “Lord warned” her that an assassination against Trump would happen and likened Trump to David avoiding assassination in the Bible. She has also pushed bizarre rhetoric, warning of highly technologically advanced “mermaids and water people” spreading “wickedness” and calling for “hand-to-hand combat.”
  • Steve Shultz is the host of ElijahStreams, an online streaming outlet that hosts “prophets” and “prophetic guests” who have pushed extreme rhetoric on the program, including guests who attributed the Maui wildfires to “demonic attack” by a fire-breathing dragon upset over the legality of abortion and who invoked QAnon conspiracy theories. Shultz himself has pushed conspiracy theories, including linking the 2024 solar eclipse to CERN’s Large Hadron Collider restarting and a comet supposedly passing on the same day, claiming it was an “occultic opportunity” for them “to open up a gateway for Satan to come out.”
  • Mark Driscoll is a right-wing pastor who previously resigned from a pastorship after being accused of bullying and mismanagement of church funds. He recently suggested that “demonic forces” are “driving the surge” behind the popularity of the Harris/Walz campaign. He also attacked Harris for being Baptist and Walz for being Lutheran, declaring that “they go to churches that are synagogues of Satan.”

Eric Trump has promoted the 11th Hour Faith Leaders Meeting to several prophetic media figures, including on ElijahStreams and in an interview with Amanda Grace, during which Trump said Clark had been “the backbone of so much of this event.”

Since Donald Trump left office, he and his family and allies have increasingly engaged with and embraced extreme prophetic media, including figures who have asserted that Trump has been “anointed” by God. Clark even bragged last year that “Trump’s inner circle is embracing the prophets.”

Members of Trump's “inner circle” also appeared at another event organized by Clark on October 18. The two-day event is also supposed to feature right-wing commentators who have pushed the conspiracy theory that Hurricane Helene was a controlled or manipulated weather event.

Reprinted with permission from Media Matters

Eric Trump

Eric Trump Suggests Democrats Are Plotting To Assassinate His Father

Eric Trump, the son of former President Donald Trump, said that he would "take a bullet" for Secret Service agents after his father was shot at a rally earlier this month.

During a Sunday interview on Fox News, host Maria Bartiromo asked Trump if he had requested more security for his father.

"Maria, I'm going to try to bite my tongue as much as humanly possible on this one, but it's obviously a sore subject," Trump said. "You know, first of all, I love the men and women of the Secret Service."

"They were with me for almost five years, and I would take a bullet for them just as fast as they would take a bullet for me," he continued. Some of them are dear friends, personal friends, and they are incredible people."

Trump said the agents on the ground with his father "did their job, and they did it incredibly well."

"The director of the Secret Service should resign in absolute disgrace," he insisted. "The fact that the Biden administration could allow a former president and very likely a future president to take a bullet through the ear, and there's no accountability, and the person's still in their job, just shows how disgraceful and inept the administration is."

The president's son suggested Democrats were behind a plot to kill his father.

"I said that the Democrats would stop at absolutely nothing," he explained. "And I've said on this show before, I wouldn't be surprised if they tried something even worse, alluding to exactly what happened just over a week ago from today."

"And I'm not a tinfoil hat-wearing guy," he added. "In fact, I'm probably a little bit more centrist than a lot of people would otherwise understand."

"But I've seen the way that they've attacked him. I've seen the way that they've tried to get him, and they would stop at absolutely nothing."

Watch the video below from Fox News or at the link.

Eric Trrump says he would 'take a bullet' for the Secret Service

via Fox News

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Nazi-Promoting Antisemite On Speaking Tour With Eric And Lara Trump

Nazi-Promoting Antisemite On Speaking Tour With Eric And Lara Trump

Extremist commentator Christiane Northrup has promoted a pro-Nazi film that denies the Holocaust, encouraged people to check out the infamous antisemitic tract Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and repeatedly pushed the conspiracy theory that a secretive mafia is hiding behind Jewish identity to control world events. Still, Northrup has spoken twice at Trump’s Miami resort alongside Eric and Lara Trump and been featured in a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. campaign video.

Northrup is a former OBGYN who initially gained fame as a self-help author who was praised by Oprah Winfrey. Since then, as The Washington Post reported in May 2022, Northrup has claimed COVID-19 “was part of a plot involving Deep State brainwashing and treacherous depopulation schemes” and she “encouraged fans to check out QAnon, called the Centers for Disease Control a ‘covid death cult,’ and described the vaccines as crimes against humanity.”

Northrup is listed as a “featured” speaker on the pro-Trump ReAwaken America Tour. She, along with Eric and Lara Trump — now the co-chair of the Republican National Committee — appeared on the tour’s stops at Trump Doral in Miami, Florida, in May and October 2023.

A poster for the tour’s next stop in Selma, North Carolina, in October lists Northrup, Eric Trump, and Lara Trump as scheduled speakers.

The tour has become a magnet for Hitler-promoting antisemites. Including Northrup, Media Matters has now identified at least five speakers who have shared antisemitic and pro-Hitler material.

Aside from appearing on the ReAwaken America Tour, Northrup also has connections to Kennedy’s presidential campaign. At a launch event, the campaign featured Northrup in a video titled “‘The Experiment’ | Running on Truth | Episode 1” that referred to her as a “world-renowned physician and bestselling author.” Northrup said in the video: “This is a time to bring America back together. We have been torn apart, and if anyone can bring it back together, it's the Kennedys.” (The Kennedy family, minus RFK Jr., has been extremely critical of RFK Jr.’s campaign.)

The Bangor Daily News reported in August that Northrup had donated money to the campaign.

Northrup has also repeatedly appeared on programs hosted by Children’s Health Defense — the conspiratorial group founded by Kennedy — and spoke at a 2021 anti-vaccine rally that was headlined by Kennedy.

Additionally, Kennedy’s book The Real Anthony Fauci touts a blurb from Northrup on its Skyhorse Publishing page. (Skyhorse is run by Kennedy ally Tony Lyons.)

Northrup has offered praise of both Trump and Kennedy. In May, for instance, Northrup said that she “can’t prove it" but her "opinion is that Trump and RFK Jr. are working together somehow behind the scenes to take down this entire satanic agenda.”

In the past several years, Northrup has promoted pro-Hitler and virulently antisemitic propaganda.

The pro-Nazi film Europa: The Last Battle

In December 2021, Northrup shared a link to the film Europa:The Last Battle on her Telegram account. The film is pro-Nazi propaganda that portrays Jewish people as the real villains of World War II and Hitler as someone who “ensured racial security for the people,” battled against supposed Jewish subversion, and who actually wanted peace. It also features rampant Holocaust denial.

Here are sample quotes from the more than 12-hours long film:

  • “Hitler's radical program restored German economic independence, ensured racial security for the people, and diverted the nation's wealth from banking cardinals to the ordinary people. Meanwhile, the rest of the world, still ruled under the Rothschild cabal, was still in recession.”
  • “What politically correct historians fail to mention — or deliberately cover up — is the fact that Hitler actually made several documented attempts in an effort to avoid World War II.”
  • “A growing movement of brave scientists, historians, engineers, journalists, and other free speech activists have investigated the official, politically correct Holocaust story and found it to be exaggerated and even false.”
  • “In 1933, when international Jewry had declared war upon Germany, they formally established themselves as an enemy of Germany, which according to international law, gave Germany the legal right to disarm and intern the German Jews. After the repeated attempts of subversion, murders, and terror against the German people, the Jews had made themselves into enemies of the German nation. The National Socialists logically considered Jews as a direct threat to national security.”

In February 2022, Northrup also shared a Bitchute clip from Europa: The Last Battle and wrote: “The Bolshevik Revolution. Substitute the word Jew in here with Khazarian. These are not the Hebrews of the Bible.” The clip is virulently antisemitic and states near the beginning: “The fact that we will never learn in school is that communism actually was a Jewish totalitarian ideology invented by Jews, funded by Jewish bankers, and economically manifested by Jewish Bolsheviks.”

Protocols of the Elders of Zion

The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum states that “the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is the most notorious and widely distributed antisemitic publication of modern times. Its lies about Jews, which have been repeatedly discredited, continue to circulate today, especially on the internet. The individuals and groups who have used the Protocols are all linked by a common purpose: to spread hatred of Jews.”

Northrup shouted out the antisemitic text during an August 2022 interview as the “playbook” of people she opposes. She stated while talking about vaccinations: “Oh my goodness, the virtue signaling. You know, ‘I am doing this to save you.’ Whenever you hear that, that's just outright Marxism. That's how it works. You find out their playbook, you might, it's still on YouTube. I think the Protocols of Zion. And they say all over it, by the way, ‘This has been debunked.’”

The 'Khazarian mafia' conspiracy theory

As Media Matters previously documented, the antisemitic Khazarian mafia conspiracy theory essentially claims that a group of fake Jewish people (the “Khazarian mafia”) stole Jewish identity centuries ago and now hides behind Judaism to control world affairs.

Northrup has promoted videos about the Khazarian mafia. In February 2024, she shared a Rumble video with the title: “Khazarian Mafia: SATANISTS - CANNIBALS, ADRENOCHROME and The God Eaters PART 1 of 2.”

In December 2023, she shared a Rumble video with the title: “KHAZARIAN MAFIA Pt IV [RED SIREN EMOJI] The SYNAGOGUE of SATAN [RED SIREN EMOJI] Is Real, DEMONIC ATTACKS, EXORCISMS & God’s Jubilee.”

In November 2022, she shared an article promoting the conspiracy theory that the Khazarian mafia was behind the assasination of John F. Kennedy, the uncle of RFK Jr. The piece Northrup linked to claimed that “the Khazarian Mafia had no choice (in their utterly warped collective minds) but to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. And, because of his extremely serious transgressions against the Khazarian Klan, his brutal murder was used as a shocking example to all future heads of state who even thought about leaving the Khazarian-created global reservation.”

In August 2022, she made an audio clip claiming that the Khazarian mafia "infiltrated the Jewish nation.”

In December 2021, she promoted an article — since removed — that included the false claim that the Khazarian Mafia “financed the Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines used to steal the election from Trump.”

Reprinted with permission from Media Matters.

Felon: Will Trump's Conviction Break The Authoritarian Spell?

Felon: Will Trump's Conviction Break The Authoritarian Spell?

It only took a jury a day and a half to decide that Donald Trump, former President of the United States, was guilty on all counts. He will wear the convicted felon label on his back forever, no matter what happens in November. A jury of seven men and five women voted guilty on all 34 counts against him. He will be sentenced July 11. The penalty includes prison time. He likely won’t go, and in the unlikely event that he does, Never Trump conservative lawyer George Conway told me the Constitution would likely be read to require that any state holding him open the cell door if he is elected in November.

But the verdict is another historic landmark in the long list of awful firsts that the MAGA cult leader has inflicted on our country since he rode down the golden elevator in the summer of 2015, enthralling first the media and then a swath of America.

The first of those horrors is the separation of millions of Americans from faith in the law and process of democracy. In the hour after the verdict, on Xitter, on Fox, on rightwing platforms and channels, MAGAs were blind with rage, spitting accusations. It’s a measure of the success of this one man’s assault on American institutions - “fake news"!” “Deep State!” “Rigged against me!” - that untold millions will refuse to accept the fairness of the trial. His people are so unplugged from our commonweal that they are willing to believe the Manhattan DA works for a Hungarian billionaire whose name the rabid right made synonymous with their own invisible donor-monster the Koch family. They are willing to believe that a sitting judge who spends his days in a cold, smelly courtroom at 100 Centre Street, and the men and women of the jury who did their civic duty in the same room and listened to all the evidence, were just pawns of Joe Biden and the Democrats.

Utter lunacy. Sadly, we’re used to it.

One of the rabble outside the courtroom was caught on camera threatening to go inside the courtroom and trash the place. AR 15 memes flooded the platforms. The sophisticates on social media flung profanity, the Overton window of civil political discourse long ago smashed by their Dear Leader.

“Bullshit!” Donny Jr. tweeted. “This Trump show trial is Bullsh!t,” wrote the soigné former Nixon aide, Monica Crowley.

Brother Eric, who squirmed in the courtroom through Stormy Daniels’ description of his father’s seduction technique, fumed at the outrage that a man could become a felon for just “a 130k NDA”!

Trained lawyer and TV personality Megyn Kelly, personally and obscenely trashed by Trump for asking him hard questions during a 2016 debate "(“she’s got blood coming out of her wherever!”) whined to her three million followers that “The country is disgraced” (yes, the rest of us noticed that, but back in November 2016).

Like so many Trumpers, Kelly also issued an implied warning, “They will rue the day they unleashed this lawfare to corrupt a presidential election.”

Rue the day. We’ll get you back. You’ll regret it. Threats, promises of violence, pictures of automatic weapons, bloodlust vengeance. All of it projected from their own Dear Leader and back out onto regular Americans just trying to make sense of it all.

Many MAGAs are now using the banana word. David Sacks, a grotesquely pro-Trump Silicon Valley billionaire, wrote, “There is now only one issue in this election: whether the American people will stand for the USA becoming a banana republic.”

The charitable view here is that Sacks is mainlining K with Elon and failed to notice that America went full banana republic on a summer night in 2016 when Gen. Michael Flynn led thousands of Republican delegates at the nominating convention in Cleveland in a chant of “Lock Her Up.” That Gen. Flynn ultimately got convicted himself (alas, not locked up) only proves the point, especially as he roams free today, another Trump pardonee like Steve Bannon, despoiling the political landscape and spewing conspiracy theories to low-information Q-Anon zombies.

Flynn’s rant and the crowd’s chant were unprecedented in American politics back then. It was shocking to witness the beginning of the idea of using the law for vengeance against one’s political opponents. In office, Trump tried to get his DOJ to manifest the authoritarian dream. But the “adults in the room” still clung to the mores of another era, and resisted, or quit.

The next administration will be vetted for people who won’t have those reservations. There may be none of them left.

Let’s be clear: the 91 criminal indictments against Trump are not “politically motivated.” Dozens of his minions in Arizona, Michigan and Georgia in the fake elector and January 6 conspiracy schemes have been turning like pancakes, or going bankrupt fighting a losing fight. He is recorded bragging about purloined classified national secrets.

Trump only still skates, he only still walks free right now because, contrary to the persecuted image he wants to project of “fighting The Man,” like the angry little guys who think he speaks for them, he is, in fact, The Man.

The New York judge and prosecutors bent over backwards allowing Defendant Trump to behave in ways that would have had any other accused individual locked up pre trial. Trump walks free with money in the bank even though he has already been convicted in a massive civil fraud trial, and of sexual abuse and forcible touching and then lying about it, in another civil case. Prosecutors have reams of evidence against him in the three criminal cases in two other states, cases that only thanks to the delay machinations of his lawyers and the horrifying ineptitude and bias of one of the judges, will not be decided before November 5.

Judging from the outpouring of anger at the conviction, his felonious status will not move his true fans. As historian Ruth Ben Ghiat wrote in her excellent book about modern dictators, from Putin to Xi, to Orban and Trump today and Mussolini and Hitler before them, the criminality of an authoritarian leader can be an essential element in his (always his, by the way, women need not apply) appeal.

“The strongman’s rogue nature also draws people to him. He proclaims law and order rule, yet enables lawlessness. This paradox becomes official policy, as government evolves into a criminal enterprise, Hitler’s Germany being one example and Putin’s Russia another. Millions around the world have found it intoxicating to be able to commit criminal acts with impunity… the thrill of transgression mixed with the comfort of submitting to his power turns the everyday into the exceptional, endowing life with energy, purpose, and drama.”

Trump was right about one thing in his surly first words to the public as a convicted felon, outside the courtroom, with his chagrined loser lawyer standing by (surely Todd Blanche was expecting to hear the L word from his belligerent client in the black SUV in short order).

The real verdict, the convicted defendant said, will be rendered on November 5. Right.

Will a majority of voters cling to the felonious leader’s fantasy that every institution and civil servant in America is utterly corrupted by “the left” and “Soros” and out to get him? Will they show up to vote having lost every iota of faith they ever had in the commonweal, in the possibility that their fellow Americans do the right thing in courtrooms and on juries and in the news media, believing that every non MAGA election worker, Capitol police officer, prosecutor, or New York state judge is engaged in a systematic conspiracy against Donald Trump?

The great question after today is whether the red F now stamped on Trump’s back, not unlike the Nixon tattoo on his fellow convicted felon Roger Stone’s back, will dampen the enthusiasm of any on-the-fence, decent, right-leaning voters still cued in to the possibility of the decency of our institutions after eight years of being persistently propagandized to abandon that faith.

Are there any left? Helloooo! Are you out there? Paying attention?

If so, you don’t have to vote for Biden. We will forgive you if you just stay home on Election Day and leave the man to his ignominious fate.

Reprinted with permission from American Political Freakshow

Nina Burleigh is a a journalist, author, and documentary producer. She is the author of seven books including most recently Virus: Vaccinations, the CDC, and the Hijacking of America's Response to the Pandemic and an adjunct professor at New York University's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute.

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