Tag: harry dunn
Harry Dunn

'Shocking': Cops Who Defended Capitol Slam Trump Over Debate Slurs

Two U.S. Capitol police officers who battled insurrectionists on January 6, 2021 are condemning former President Donald Trump's response to moderators' questions about the Capitol riot.

During a Friday interview with CNN, former Capitol police officers Harry Dunn and Sgt. Aquilino Gonell blasted the 45th president of the United States for his refusal to take responsibility for his part in fomenting the deadliest attack on the Capitol since the War of 1812. Dunn said that for him, the moment that stood out the most in Thursday night's debate was Trump refusing to say definitively that he would accept the results of the 2024 election regardless of the outcome.

"He eventually said he would accept it if it was fair, but over 60 courts ruled that it was fair and he still didn't accept it," Dunn said. "So what is the category that defines it as fair? That's what was most shocking and angering about last night, because he's already planting the seeds that could lead to another January 6."

Sgt. Gonell said that he was struck by Trump's pivoting on the issue when moderators Dana Bash and Jake Tapper pressed him, saying the former president "doesn't take responsibility for what happened, even though he's the one who incited the mob to the Capitol." When he was asked what he thought of President Joe Biden's poorly received debate performance, Gonell didn't waver, arguing Trump was a far bigger threat.

"I'm supporting somebody who doesn't send a mob to kill me and my colleagues at the Capitol, someone who is not dangling pardons for the people who assaulted police officers and somebody who is not trying to upend democracy," Gonell said.

"It's very upsetting that the people we risked our lives for, like Speaker Mike Johnson, about two weeks ago, received him with open arms like he was a hero," Gonell added. "And the only reason why they are alive today is because of the actions of police officers like myself and my colleagues."

Both Dunn and Gonell — who are no longer with the U.S. Capitol Police Department — have been surrogates for Biden on the campaign trail throughout the 2024 cycle. They have both insisted that their experience doing battle with Trump supporters at the Capitol on January 6th has cemented their determination to keep the ex-president out of office.

However, despite Republicans making their support for law enforcement a key plank of past campaigns, that hasn't always led to warm receptions for the two former Capitol police officers. During a visit to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives earlier this month, Republicans were heard booing Dunn and Gonell after they were officially recognized by the speaker.

Voters will also have the events of January 6 in their minds as they cast their ballots in the 2024 election. A January 2024 poll by the Washington Post and the University of Maryland found that 55 percent of voters say the Capitol insurrection was an "attack on democracy that should never be forgotten." That same month, a CBS News/YouGov survey found that 78 percent of respondents said they disapprove of the actions of the rioters who forced their way into the Capitol building.

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Harry Dunn

January 6 Hero Cop Running For Congress In Maryland Primary (VIDEO)

Retired Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn announced Friday that he was joining the busy Democratic primary in the race to succeed retiring Rep. John Sarbanes, a declaration that came one day ahead of the third anniversary of the January 6 attack.

"I swore an oath to protect our Constitution, to protect our democracy," Dunn says in his launch video, which features a recreation of the riot.

The candidate, who is Black, continues by describing how he "protect[ed] some members of Congress who I knew were bigots, who helped fan the flames that started all of this. I put country above self." He goes on, "Some of the same people who stood behind us when we protected them went back on the floor of Congress and stood behind Trump."

In 2021, Dunn attracted national attention when he testified before Congress that rioters hurled racial slurs at him during their confrontation. "January 6 still isn't over for me," he told lawmakers. The former officer, who received the Presidential Citizens Medal from President Joe Biden, published a memoir last year shortly before leaving the force.

Dunn, though, doesn't begin the race with strong ties to the suburban Baltimore turf he wants to represent. The candidate grew up in Prince George's County, which is in the Washington, D.C., area, and he currently lives just outside the district in Montgomery County. Sarbanes' Third District, by contrast, which is largely split between Anne Arundel and Howard counties, sits to the north, though it does border Montgomery.

Prior to Dunn's entry, five local Democratic legislators were competing in the May 14 primary for the 3rd, a reliably blue seat that favored Biden 62-36. That group includes state Sens. Sarah Elfreth and Clarence Lam, as well as Dels. Mark Chang, Terri Hill, and Mike Rogers.

The Democratic field also expanded earlier in the week when attorney Don Quinn, who lost a tight 2014 state Senate race as a Republican, launched his campaign. "The most important lesson I learned is that I wasn’t a Republican," Quinn told Maryland Matters of that first run for office, adding that he joined the Democratic Party the following year. Businessman Juan Dominguez, who has spent months waging a longshot bid for the Senate, also recently filed FEC paperwork to switch to a House bid. Maryland's filing deadline is Feb. 9, so more hopefuls could still enter over the next month.

P.S.: CNN notes that Dunn would be the second Capitol Police veteran to join Congress—and the first was also a Democrat named Harry. "The late Harry Reid was a Capitol Police Officer," Dunn said of the late Senate majority leader. "So, I guess I don’t mind being second to him."

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone reveals vicious voicemail to CNN.

LISTEN: Capitol Police Hero Receives Vile Trumpist Death Threats

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos

Metropolitan Police Officer Michael Fanone testified before Congress on Tuesday that supporters of former President Donald Trump almost killed him in a violent beating at the Capitol insurrection on January 6, and to make matters worse someone left him a threatening voicemail message while he was giving his testimony. "It includes some incredibly offensive language, but we think people need to hear the kind of attacks that these officers are facing right now just for telling the truth about January 6," CNN host Don Lemon said. "Play it." An unnamed caller proceeded to accuse Fanone of lying, asking him if he wanted an Emmy or Oscar, and calling him an offensive slur.

Warning: Video in this story contains profane and highly offensive audio that may be triggering for some listeners.

The caller said in his disgusting message:

"Yeah, this is for Michael Fanone, Metropolitan Police officer. You're on trial right now, lying and not. You want an Emmy? An Oscar? What are you trying to go for here? You're so full of s---, you little f----- f---er. You're a little p----, man. I could slap you up the side of your head with a backhand and knock you out, you little f-----.
"You're a punk f-----. You're a lying f---. How about all that scummy Black f---ing scum for two years destroying our cities and burning 'em and stealing all that s--- out of the stores and everything? How about that? Assaulting cops and killing people? How about that, you f---er?
"That was s--- on the goddamn Capitol. I wish they would have killed all you scumbags, 'cause you people are scum. They stole the election from Trump and you know that, you scumbag. And you, f---ing too bad they didn't beat the s--- out of you more. You're a piece of s---. You're a little f--, you f---ing scumbag."

Fanone asked CNN not to censor the audio when the network played it. "I remember like my first reaction immediately after listening to that phone call, which I actually received while I was testifying in the hearing today," Fanone said. "This is what happens to people that tell the truth in Trump's America."

Fanone's body-camera footage showed the brutal attack he suffered at the hands of rioters, one of whom tased him amid shouts of "I got one," CNN reported in May. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn compared the insurrectionists to a hired hit man in his closing remarks Tuesday to the House committee investigating the riot. "If a hit man is hired and he kills somebody, the hit man goes to jail. But not only does the hit man go to jail, but the person who hired them does. It was an attack carried out on Jan. 6 and a hit man sent them. I want you to get to the bottom of that," Dunn said.

He was called the N-word multiple times when he revealed during the insurrection that he voted for President Joe Biden. Dunn said he told people to leave during the riot and was told: "No man, this is our house. President Trump invited us here. We're here to stop the steal. Joe Biden is not the president. Nobody voted for Joe Biden." Dunn told lawmakers he usually does his best to keep politics out of his job but in that circumstance, he responded. "'Well, I voted for Joe Biden. Does my vote not count? Am I nobody?'" Dunn said he asked rioters. "That prompted a torrent of racial epithets."

Prominent GOP commentators used less triggering language but bolstered the same sentiment of support for rioters. Fox News host Laura Ingraham mocked Fanone and Dunn on Tuesday. "The award for blatant use of partisan politics when facts fail—the Angle Award goes to Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn," she said. Of Fanone the Republican broadcaster said: "And for best performance in an action role, the winner is Michael Fanone."

Fox News' Tucker Carlson made similar remarks, mocking Fanone's trauma. "Not to in anyway underplay the crimes that were committed on January 6—and there were crimes on January 6— but compared to what," Carlson said.

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