Tag: harvard law school
Under Court Dictum, Harvard Law School Steps Back In Time

Under Court Dictum, Harvard Law School Steps Back In Time

According to figures released last month, there are a grand total of 19 Black students in the first-year class at Harvard Law School, down from 43 in last year's entering class. You have to go back to the 1960s to find so few Black students in the entering class.

In the years since 1970, the number of first years, or 1Ls, who were Black has ranged from 50 to 70. Professor David Wilkins, a brilliant Black professor at Harvard and the faculty director of the school's Center on the Legal Profession, noted that "this is the lowest number of Black entering first-year students since 1965" and that "this obviously has a lot to do with the chilling effect created by that decision" — that is, the decision last year by the United States Supreme Court, in a case where Harvard College was a defendant, barring affirmative action in university admissions.

It is a major step backward for a school that has produced some of the leading Black lawyers in America, a step backward that dramatically affects not only Black students, but the quality of education for all students at HLS. Diversity makes a huge difference in what happens in a law school classroom. And a Harvard degree opens doors to a career in law that, fairly or not, are just not the same for graduates of lower-tier law schools.

I spent three years as a student at Harvard Law, and another 10 as a member of the faculty. The Black students in my time at Harvard included everyone from future civil rights leaders like Charles Ogletree and John Payton and Christopher Edley Jr. to political leaders like Barack and Michelle Obama and Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick. They made a difference — in the classroom, on the Law Review, and in American life and law.

The number of Hispanic students also dropped sharply, from 63 students, or 11 percent of the total last year, to 39 students, or 6.9 percent of the total this year. The number of white and Asian students obviously increased.

I always used to ask my criminal law students who had ever been stopped by the police. A pretty big smattering of hands, young women included, which usually reduced to a handful when I asked students who talked their way out of it or got away with a warning to put their hands down. How big a handful depending on how many Black men I had in the class. Many of my white students expressed surprise that it was so obvious. I was a better teacher when I had a diverse class. There are a total of six Black men in the entering class at Harvard Law, according to Wilkins.

Richard Sander, a professor at UCLA Law and a critic of affirmative action, dismissed the latest reports from Harvard, telling The New York Times that it might actually be beneficial: "because those students are going to go to another school where they're better matched and they're poised to succeed. ... Students prefer going to a school where they are not going to get a preference, because they think they'll be more competitive there, which I think is true."

My experience, and that of my classmates and students over the years, is that a degree from Harvard Law School opens doors for all of its students, as it did for me, to a Supreme Court clerkship, to a job on the Senate Judiciary Committee, to a professorship at Harvard, to places where it was my calling card. Those were not places where someone who was bartending her way through law school had any connections. The "network" you join in those three years turns out to include some of the most prominent leaders in politics, business and law. I have never in all my years in academia run into a student who told me they turned down Harvard for a second-tier law school to be a better match, and I would certainly never advise a college student to do that.

In a statement, Harvard spokesman Jeff Neal said that the law school continued "to believe that a student body composed of persons with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences is a vital component of legal education. ... Harvard Law School remains committed both to following the law and to fostering an on-campus community and a legal profession that reflect numerous dimensions of human experience."

It has its work cut out for it. Six black men in a class of 560 students is just not enough.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

Taping #MeToo Mouths At Harvard

Taping #MeToo Mouths At Harvard

It was inevitable that the #MeToo movement, started with valid anger at sexual harassment, would open the door to bizarre accusations. It’s just surprising to see it go off the deep end at Harvard University, where rational thinking tied to principle is supposed to be a requirement for admission.

Do note that the student group hounding law school Dean Ronald S. Sullivan to resign is described as “small but vocal.” Dozens of law faculty have backed him. And many at Harvard no doubt find the histrionics deeply embarrassing.

But it’s amazing how far the aggrieved ones have gotten. They should know that they are a source of wonderment mainly because they are so obviously ignorant of the legal system and they’re supposed to be smart.

The rap against Sullivan is that he joined the team of lawyers defending Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood producer facing multiple charges of sexual harassment and worse. In the American judicial system, every defendant deserves legal representation. Ted Bundy and Timothy McVeigh had lawyers, none of whom approved of the client’s gruesome crimes. The legal aid movement rests on the belief that poor people have a right to adequate legal representation, whether they are innocent or not.

In a teaching moment, Sullivan tried to gently explain. “Lawyers are not an extension of their clients,” he said. Representing a client “doesn’t mean I’m supporting anything the client may have done.”

Sullivan is also African-American, which shouldn’t matter but seems to here. Some foes have weaponized race against him. In a public letter, the Association of Black Harvard Women wrote, “You have failed us.”

In cases where emotions overcome facts, the poorly armed resort to self-dramatization. Some #MeTooers put tape over their mouths. Get it? They’re not allowed to speak, which should come as a great surprise to their audiences.

Danu Mudannayake, a student, wrote in a petition, “Do you really want to one day accept your diploma from someone who … believes it is OK to defend such a prominent figure at the center of the #MeToo movement?” Why not? By the way, no one has to go to Harvard.

Some of the Harvard grown-ups are so lacking in courage that you almost feel sorry for them. Harvard College Dean Rakesh Khurana put in a good word for the right to skilled representation — but then called for a study of how students at Winthrop House, where Sullivan is a faculty dean, regard the law professor’s role in the Weinstein case. He called it a “climate review.” Uh-oh.

In a similar vein, another faculty dean, Diana L. Eck, said that everyone has the right to a strenuous defense but, on the other hand, Sullivan’s work is “fracturing that sense of community.” As if everyone in the community has to agree.

On campus, Sullivan’s picture is being paired with that of Roland Fryer, a renowned Harvard economist who is also African-American. Fryer is being dragged over the coals amid charges of sexual harassment. Why didn’t they add a portrait of the Marquis de Sade?

Fryer’s main crime seems to have been telling off-color jokes. Students in his teaching lab laughed at them, but, you see, that just showed the “power dynamics” between Fryer and the others. Of possible relevance, none of the women claims that Fryer made a pass at her or asked for sex.

You don’t really know what to make of all this. For the students, it’s kind of late in the game to develop a sense of humor. And for the administrators, well, their mouths have two sides, so why not talk out of both of them? That gives you plausible deniability at whatever party you attend.

So looking forward to the climate review.

Follow Froma Harrop on Twitter @FromaHarrop. She can be reached at fharrop@gmail.com.To find out more about Froma Harrop and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators webpage at www.creators.com.

IMAGE: A statue of John Harvard looks over Harvard Yard at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts January 20, 2015. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

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