Tag: jason dean
 Jason Dean

Don Jr. Will Appear With Hitler-Loving Antisemite On Speaking Tour

Donald Trump Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Lara Trump, Trump lawyer Alina Habba, and other members of Trump’s orbit are scheduled to speak alongside antisemitic streamer Jason Dean this week. Dean, who also spoke at a May Trump hotel event with Eric and Lara Trump, has said that he has “NEVER been able to buy the Hitler/Nazi ‘Official Story’” and praised Adolf Hitler for having a “vision” and wanting “to straighten everything out” but “the bankers got him.”

He is at least the third Hitler-promoting antisemite that has appeared on the Trump-backed ReAwaken America tour. Two other tour regulars were set to appear at Trump’s Miami resort in May but were pulled from the event after widespread media criticism.

Dean is a chiropractor, Rumble host, and fringe conspiracy theorist who believes that the Earth is under the “control” of alien reptiles. He has appeared on One America News and Alex Jones’ Infowars network. Dean gained a following during the COVID-19 pandemic by pushing false medical claims and grifting followers by offering his own health “protocol.”

Trump allies Roger Stone, Kash Patel, and Mike Flynn, and Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers have appeared on Dean’s program. He also posted a video of himself having a “strategic meeting” with congressional candidate and former Florida state Rep. Anthony Sabatini.

He is a regular speaker on the ReAwaken America tour and is scheduled to speak this week in Las Vegas. (Dean, tour co-founder Clay Clark, and the tour's website have confirmed his appearance.) The tour features QAnon conspiracy theorists and Christian nationalist rhetoric. In April 2022, Dean posted a picture of him meeting with tour co-founder Flynn, who also has a history of making antisemitic remarks, and thanked him for “giving me connections to people to meet with for the future.”

Members of Trump’s inner circle and past Trump administration officials are scheduled to speak at the event along with Dean. They include: Donald Trump Jr., Guilfoyle, Lara Trump, Devin Nunes, Habba, Flynn, and Stone.

Numerous other toxic commentators will be speakers, including Alex Jones sidekick and January 6 insurrectionist Owen Shroyer; far-right conspiracy theorist Lara Logan; COVID-19 conspiracy theorist Sherri Tenpenny, who has promoted antisemitic and Holocaust denying material; and election denier Mike Lindell.

Streaming host Stew Peters, a white nationalist who is virulently anti-LGBTQ, is also scheduled to speak. He has also repeatedly made antisemitic remarks, including stating that Judaism “is a death cult built on the blood of murdered babies” and writing: “It’s become socially unacceptable and in some cases even illegal to question or critique Jews, Israel, or the Zionist mob. The murder of Jesus (Read Book of Matthew). The attack on the USS Liberty. 9/11 dancing Israelis. Rothschild family. Who controls international banking, Hollywood, and the entire MSM.” He also wrote: “Say what you will about Hitler, but people turned out for his rallies.”

The tour invited Peters despite his attacks on Trump allies, including calling Trump adviser Ric Grenell “a sodomite ... who finds the meaning of life at the bottom of a shit hole."

Dean has spoken at prior ReAwaken America events in Post Falls, Idaho; Branson, Missouri; Nashville, Tennessee; and, most recently, at Trump’s resort in Miami, Florida. While Dean has spoken alongside Eric Trump at those events, the Trump son is currently not on the schedule for Las Vegas. (Eric Trump has been promoted as a speaker for the Las Vegas event and Clark said in an appearance on Stew Peters' program yesterday that audiences would “see Eric Trump,” but he told Clark several weeks ago that he would be in Scotland for a golf tournament and miss the event.)

Media Matters previously reported that Eric Trump repeatedly appeared alongside streamers Scott McKay and Charlie Ward, two antisemites who have a history of promoting pro-Hitler and Holocaust-denying content. (Dean has done streams with both of them.) After criticism, including from MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow, CNN’s Jake Tapper, and Trump ally Alan Dershowitz, the tour canceled their scheduled appearances at Trump’s Miami resort. Eric Trump responded by threatening “legal action” against Maddow.

Dean’s presence alongside key Trump officials is further evidence of how embedded antisemitism is on the right. It’s also an indication that Flynn and Clark’s tour has low standards when it comes to platforming speakers.

Here is some of Jason Dean’s history.

Dean said he doesn’t “buy the Hilter/Nazi ‘Official Story” and praised Hitler as someone who had a “vision” and “wanted to straighten everything out”

Dean has made numerous antisemitic remarks in the past several years, including praising Hitler -- remarks he acknowledged were “very, very, very controversial.”

During a November 2020 show, he claimed that Hitler was actually Jewish (“Hitler is, definitely — was a quote unquote bastard child of the Rothschilds”) and then praised Hitler for having supposedly been a visionary, stating: “He had visions of being a nationalist in Germany and to knock off the bankers. He had a vision of that. He potentially wanted to straighten everything out. However, that didn't go well, and instead it was overturned and the bankers got him.”

Dean prefaced his pro-Hitler remarks by saying he’s “been screaming this from a rooftop forever” and “this is a very, very, very controversial thing” to say.

JASON DEAN: What happened was, okay, I'm going to give you a very, very twisted history here that not everyone will agree with, but I've done a little bit of research. So Adolf Hitler. Here we go. Ready? I'm going to drop my own little bomb. And this is a very, very, very controversial thing that I'm going to say. But Adolf Hitler is, definitely — was a quote unquote bastard child of the Rothschilds. Now. The other part, though, is he had visions. He had visions of being a nationalist in Germany and to knock off the bankers. He had a vision of that. He potentially wanted to straighten everything out. However, that didn't go well, and instead it was overturned and the bankers got him.

Dean added that Hitler didn’t die but actually “went out the back door, down south toward Antarctica and … Argentina.”

He also wrote last year: “I have NEVER been able to buy the Hilter/Nazi ‘Official Story.’ The ONLY entity/organization that has told you to believe it is the Mainstream Media.”

He additionally wrote in January: “You have to remember something very important, and this will upset our veterans… We NEVER won World War 2. It wasn’t even a War. It was a setup to install Marxist Communism in America. It worked brilliantly and many are just becoming aware.”

Dean is also a believer in the “Khazarian mafia” conspiracy theory, which essentially claims that a group of fake Jewish people (the “Khazarian mafia”) stole Jewish identity centuries ago and now hides behind Judaism to control world affairs.

Mike Rothschild, a researcher and author of the upcoming book Jewish Space Lasers, previously told Media Matters that the conspiracy theory is “part of a long line of canards used by antisemites to claim that certain powerful Jewish families are ‘fake Jews.’” (Both Scott McKay and Charlie Ward have promoted the conspiracy theory.)

Dean wrote of the “Khazarian Mafia”: “The Jews were LEAD out of EGYPT. What is the MODERN DAY ‘SLAVERY?’ Debt Slavery. The DEBT is CARRIED by the Fake Jews, THe Khazarian Mafia.” He also claimed of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine: “The Khazarians and their puppet politicians used Zelensky as their pawn to set Trump up for the Impeachment phone call. Now, Putin is going for blood and they’re trying to paint him as the bully. This is going to get good.”

Dean claimed “the Reptilians/Invader Force controls planet Earth. … This is REAL” and “we are under Reptilian control”

Dean believes that the Earth is “under reptilian control” and these reptiles use “puppets,” including George Soros and the Rothschild family, to implement their agenda.

“We are under Reptilian control,” Dean wrote last year. “The Reptilian/Dracos control this planet and have for a very long time. This is TOO MUCH for many to handle.”

    He also claimed: “This planet is not controlled by humans. Gates, Soros, Rothschilds, families….ALL puppets.”

    “The Reptilians/Invader Force controls planet Earth. … This is REAL,” he wrote.

    Dean’s belief in reptilian overlords echoes that of David Icke. Dean told Icke during an interview that he’s “been watching for a long period of time, read his books. And he is a genius when it comes to what is happening in the world and planetary control.”

    Dean is a QAnon, JFK Jr., 9/11, and Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist

    Dean has pushed numerous other far-right conspiracy theories. Here are just some of them:

    • Dean is a QAnon conspiracy theorist who wrote last September: “No matter how many times I walk away from Q it sucks me back in.”
    • Dean has promoted the conspiracy theory that John F. Kennedy Jr. is alive, including doing a show about JFK Jr. in which he said that Kennedy Jr. is “potentially coming back.” During another stream, he wore a QAnon-themed shirt reading “Trump / JFK Jr. 2020.”
    • Dean is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who claimed that “9/11 was an inside job” and wrote: “If Trump and the Patriots SHOW that 9/11 was perpetrated by Israel.... The Planet will never be the same again. #InsideJob.”
    • Dean has claimed that the Sandy Hook Elementary School mass shooting was a “false flag.”

    Reprinted with permission from Media Matters.

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