Tag: john mcdaniel
When Trump’s Toy Soldiers March On State Capitols, Ignore Them

When Trump’s Toy Soldiers March On State Capitols, Ignore Them

Watching those rent-a-mob bands of bearded he-men swaggering around state capitols with their Confederate flags and symbolic AR-15s -- what were they going to shoot at, after all? -- reminded me of a scene in the old Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall movie Key Largo.

Bogart plays a fishing boat captain home from World War II -- a soft-spoken combat veteran visiting the family of one of his soldiers killed during the Italian campaign. Bacall plays the friend's widow, living in a small resort hotel on a remote Florida island.

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Ohio Man Protested Virus As ‘Political Ploy’ — Until It Killed Him

Ohio Man Protested Virus As ‘Political Ploy’ — Until It Killed Him

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

In Ohio, conservative Republican Gov. Mike DeWine has been lambasted by far-right groups for issuing a stay-at-home order in his state and promoting social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic. One of DeWine's critics was 60-year-old John W. McDaniel, who dismissed COVID-19 as a "political ploy" and angrily railed against the Ohio governor.

But sadly, McDaniel has since died from the very thing he didn't take seriously.

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