Tag: mar-a-lago club
Trump, Mike Pence, coronavirus response

Trump Illegally Registered To Vote In Florida Using White House Address

In September 2019, just as he was changing his domicile of record from New York to Florida, Donald Trump filled out a voter registration form in his new state in which he stated that his "legal residence" was 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. Registering to vote in Florida using an out-of-state address is a violation of Florida law, the Washington Postnotes.

Trump also listed his mailing address as his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, directing that election-related mailings should be sent to him there courtesy of "Sean McCabe." McCabe, the president and general manager of Trump Florida Properties, spells his first name "Shawn."

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Trump Organization Billed Taxpayers Nearly $1M In Hotel Fees

Trump Organization Billed Taxpayers Nearly $1M In Hotel Fees

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

Since he took office, Donald Trump's hotels and clubs have brought in at least $970,000 in U.S. taxpayer money for room rentals. According to hard-won federal records obtained by The Washington Post, this number does not include "an additional $340,000 in such payments" that they've catalogued since March of this year. Considering what we know about this administration, the $970,000 is likely just the tippy top of a truly corrupt iceberg.

The records that the Post looked through show nightly rental rates ranging between $141.66 per night to $650 per night, for at least "950 nights at Trump's golf club in Bedminster, N.J., and 530 nights at the president's Mar-a-Lago Club in Florida." Obviously, this data contradicts claims made by Eric Trump that his father's business barely charges the government anything.

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