Tag: matt gaetz scandal
Rep. Matt Gaetz

Newsmax Has 'No Plans To Hire Rep. Gaetz'

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

As Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL.) expressed interest in pursuing a career as a political commentator, he was immediately linked to news outlets like Fox News and Newsmax. However, the federal investigation he is facing for alleged sex trafficking appears to have nixed all possibilities of him pursuing a career in right-wing media, at least for Newsmax.

On Monday, June 7, Newsmax spokesperson Brian Peterson released a statement to Reuters confirming where the network stands regarding the Florida lawmaker.

"Newsmax has had no plans to hire Rep. Gaetz," Peterson told Reuters. An individual with knowledge of Newsmax's policies also said, "Earlier this year, [Gaetz] reached out and said he might leave Congress early and was interested in TV work."

But despite Gaetz's interest, the person said at the time that Newsmax "never told him we were interested."

The latest comes as the federal probe into Gaetz continues. Federal authorities have also focused their investigative efforts on Gaetz's associate Joel Greenberg. In May, the former Seminole County tax collector "pleaded guilty to charges of trafficking a female minor to other adult men who engaged in sex acts with the minor," according to Reuters. In addition to the guilty plea, he also agreed to cooperate with prosecutors as part of his deal.

When Gaetz spoke to Newsmax last month, he weighed in on the investigation saying, "The anonymous allegations against me range from total distortions of my life to these crazy and wild conspiracy theories that will never be proven, but they always come for the fighters."

Over the last two months, Gaetz's case has evolved.

Talking Points Memo reports:

"Allegations of misconduct by Gaetz have ballooned to include payments to women in exchange for sex in arrangements with his wingman, former tax collector Joel Greenberg, who has pleaded guilty for child sex trafficking. Investigators are also reportedly looking at whether Gaetz was involved in a pay-for-play scheme in Florida's marijuana industry."

As of Tuesday, June 8, Gaetz has not yet been charged in connection with the investigation.

Rep. Matt Gaetz speaking to a crowd of supporters.

Gaetz: The Second Amendment Is Meant For ‘Armed Rebellion’

Reprinted with permission from from American Independent

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told an audience of supporters at a rally on Thursday that the Second Amendment is about "the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government."

Gaetz spoke in Dalton, Georgia, in his latest in a series of appearances alongside Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA).

Telling the crowd that they must fight to preserve their rights under the Constitution, he referred to its Second Amendment.

"The Second Amendment is not about, it's not about hunting, it's not about recreation, it's not about sports," Gaetz said. "The Second Amendment is about maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government if that becomes necessary. I hope it never does, but it sure is important to recognize the founding principles of this nation and to make sure that they are fully understood."

Gaetz also told his audience, "The internet's hall monitors out in Silicon Valley, they think they can suppress us, discourage us ... Well, you know what? Silicon Valley can't cancel this movement. Or this rally. Or this congressman."

Gaetz was possibly thinking of media reporting on the fact that he is currently the subject of a federal sex trafficking investigation. His close associate, former Florida tax collector Joel Greenberg, recently pleaded guilty to six federal charges and admitted to a federal judge that he paid and solicited a minor for sex.

Reporting has indicated that Greenberg is cooperating with prosecutors in their investigation.

From a May 27 "America First" rally in Dalton, Georgia:

MATT GAETZ: In this fight back, we are not powerless. This is a powerful movement. We are powerful people. As President Trump reminds us, we are the elite now.
And so let us use the Constitution to strengthen our argument and our movement. We have a First Amendment right to speak and assemble and we better use it. The internet's hall monitors out in Silicon Valley, they think they can suppress us, discourage us, maybe if you're just a little less patriotic, maybe if you just conform to their way of thinking a little more, then you'll be allowed to participate in the digital world.
Well, you know what? Silicon Valley can't cancel this movement. Or this rally. Or this congressman.
We have a Second Amendment in this country, and I think we have an obligation to use it.
The Second Amendment, this is a little history lesson for all the fake news media, the Second Amendment is not about, it's not about hunting, it's not about recreation, it's not about sports.
The Second Amendment is about maintaining within the citizenry the ability to maintain an armed rebellion against the government if that becomes necessary. I hope it never does, but it sure is important to recognize the founding principles of this nation and to make sure that they are fully understood.

Published with permission of The American Independent Foundation.

Rep. Matt Gaetz

As Ex-Girlfriend Flips For Prosecutors, Gaetz Insists He’s Ignoring Scandal

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) has tried to set up a smokescreen, insisting he's "not focused on scandal" as news breaks his ex-girlfriend has flipped and is now cooperating with federal authorities, just like his former "wingman," Joel Greenberg.

Gaetz, who is under federal investigation for possible sex trafficking and possible sex with a 17-year old girl, in a Friday interview tried to minimize the charges against his friend, Greenberg, by suggesting he is in jail for defamation. Greenberg was facing dozens of charges, but currently the list stands at just six felonies after he entered a plea deal on Monday. Legal experts expect he is handing federal prosecutors evidence against the Florida GOP Congressman.

Meanwhile, federal authorities investigating Gaetz "have secured the cooperation of the congressman's ex-girlfriend," CNN reports.

"The woman, a former Capitol Hill staffer, is seen as a critical witness, as she has been linked to Gaetz as far back as the summer of 2017, a period of time that has emerged as a key window of scrutiny for investigators. She can also help investigators understand the relevance of hundreds of transactions they have obtained records of, including those involving alleged payments for sex, the sources said." CNN adds, citing people familiar with the matter.

"I'm not too worried about Joel Greenberg," Gaetz told Newsmax [see video below]. "Joel Greenberg is literally sitting in jail right now because he originally accused someone who was innocent – of having had a relationship with a minor."

Gaetz is accused of having had a relationship with a minor.

"That wasn't true, it was just a false thing that Joel Greenberg had said, and that's landed him in quite a bit of trouble."

Greenberg is not in jail for defamation.

"But I'm not focused on scandal. I'm focused on socialism," Gaetz said in what appeared to be another road-tested soundbite. "That's why I'm here in Arizona with Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene."

Hardly a state facing "socialism," Arizona narrowly broke for Joe Biden but it has a Republican governor and GOP majorities in both chambers of its state legislature.

"We're going to have about a thousand patriots behind us supporting the Arizona audit and our ongoing efforts for election integrity."


Gaetz Crony Kept Committing Crimes Well After He Learned Feds Were Investigating Him

Gaetz Crony Kept Committing Crimes Well After He Learned Feds Were Investigating Him

ORLANDO, Fla. — On an April morning in 2019, federal agents walked into the Tax Collector’s Office in Lake Mary and handed an employee a grand jury subpoena that revealed for the first time that the U.S. Department of Justice was investigating whether Joel Greenberg had used public money to benefit himself. That initial request for records related to Greenberg’s spending and investments was revealed in a plea agreement Greenberg struck with prosecutors which resulted in him pleading guilty to six federal crimes this week and agreeing to cooperate against other potential targets. The deal showe...

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