Tag: post-election polls
Trump Allies Setting Stage For Post-Election Violence

Trump Allies Setting Stage For Post-Election Violence

Donald Trump’s allies have set the stage for contesting November’s election—and doing so violently. Following a bonkers war-games presentation Thursday—including scenarios in which Barbra Streisand is kidnapped by Hamas and Trump wins but is immediately arrested by the FBI—the Heritage Foundation declared that the election is already being rigged against Trump and made more threats of violence.

“As things stand right now, there’s a zero percent chance of a free and fair election,” said Mike Howell, executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project. That project is “technically independent of the Heritage Foundation,” The Washington Post reports, “but included multiple Heritage employees.”

“I’m formally accusing the Biden administration of creating the conditions that most reasonable policymakers and officials cannot in good conscience certify an election,” Howell continued.

“If we see the kind of manipulations that we saw in 2020, I wonder if average Americans who are supporters of the president [Trump] will swallow that so easily as they did in 2020,” Adam Ellwanger, a rhetoric professor at the University of Houston-Downtown who helped lead the presentation, said.

That’s a not-so-subtle call to arms for MAGA world. Worse, it follows last week’s declaration from Heritage President Kevin Roberts. “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” he said on a right-wing news channel.

During Thursday’s presentation, Howell accused the Biden administration of a “coordinated invasion over our southern border for the purposes of impacting this election.”

Not to be outdone, extremist GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that it is a "virtual certainty" that Democrats are registering undocumented immigrants to vote, and will “harvest the ballots” and “Democratic operatives will fill those out.”

Obviously, none of these conservatives has presented any evidence for their claims.

Heritage released a report Thursday stating that President Joe Biden could try to hold the White House “by force” if he loses in November, and that “the current president and his administration not only possesses the means, but perhaps also the intent, to circumvent constitutional limits and disregard the will of the voters should they demand a new president.”

This is the very narrative that the Trump campaign and allies have been setting: that the election is rigged against Trump, and if he wins despite that, Biden will use his “weaponized” government to prevent Trump from taking office. Note that Biden, of course, has said he will accept the results of the election, while Trump has repeatedly refused to do so.

As if we need more evidence of Trump’s ties to Heritage and Project 2025 (and there are more every day), they are working together to lay the groundwork for contesting the election—again—but this time, they are putting the threat of Jan. 6-style violence front and center.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Polls: Most Americans Agree Biden Won -- Unless They Watch Fox News

Polls: Most Americans Agree Biden Won -- Unless They Watch Fox News

Reprinted with permission from Media Matters

A new Daily Kos/Civiqs poll confirms that a large majority of Americans accept and acknowledge the outcome of the 2020 presidential election: President-elect Joe Biden's victory over President Donald Trump. But among people who watch Fox News — which has waged a relentless public campaign to fan doubts about the election, seemingly because the network is afraid of angering Trump and losing its viewer base of his supporters — rejecting the election's result continues to be the norm.

The new poll asked, "Do you accept the outcome of the 2020 presidential election: Joe Biden defeating Donald Trump?" The overall result was that 58 percent accepted the outcome against 33 percent who still did not.

These numbers are consistent with a Monmouth University poll from three weeks ago, which found that 60 percent of American adults said Biden won "fair and square," compared to only 32 percent who said that Biden won because of alleged voter fraud. But the poll found that among Trump's supporters, 77 percent said "Biden's win was due to fraud," with the director of Monmouth's polling noting, "The anger among Trump's base is tied to a belief that the election was stolen."

The Daily Kos/Civiqs poll gets at an additional angle of this attitude among right-wing media audiences: Among those who watch Fox News "frequently," only 18 percent said they accepted the outcome, versus 63 percent who did not. Among those who watch Fox "occasionally," it was a statistical dead heat, with 43 percent of such viewers accepting Biden's win compared to 44 percent who did not. (Overall, eight percent of respondents said they frequently watch Fox, and 29 percent said they watch it occasionally.)

Meanwhile, people who said they don't watch Fox News were found to have accepted the election outcome by a margin of 70 percent to 24 percent.

Fox News has been at the forefront of Trump's effort to overturn the election results, taking a leading position among other right-wing media outlets. In just the first two weeks after the election, the network pushed conspiracy theories or cast doubt on the election results nearly 600 times. All told, the network has spread various debunked stories about alleged election rigging — while also downplaying Republican attempts to throw out entire swaths of legitimate votes, inciting potential civil unrest, and insisting that Trump really did win the election.

Even Fox's purported "straight news" coverage has hyped Trump's public campaign against the election results, offering public support to his efforts, downplaying his lies, and being nearly indistinguishable from the network's avowed opinion hosts in continuing to spread debunked stories about alleged voting misconduct. Just this week, one of the network's "news-side" programs used the right-wing "#StopTheSteal" hashtag to promote an interview with Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) on his efforts to have Congress block the election results.

And so the cycle continues: Fox viewers continue to doubt the legitimate outcome of the election in favor of conspiracy theories and false claims of voter fraud — and the network continues to push these baseless pro-Trump narratives every day, contributing to its viewers' disbelief and defiance over Biden's victory.

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