Tag: ron desantis
GOP Delegates Complain About Trump's 'Dishonest' Platform Process

GOP Delegates Complain About Trump's 'Dishonest' Platform Process

Two years ago, some right-wing media figures — most notably, author Ann Coulter — viewed Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as the future of the Republican Party and claimed that Donald Trump's influence had seriously declined. But in fact, Trump's stranglehold on the GOP grew even stronger.

Trump increased his influence not only on the Republican National Committee (RNC), but also, on the official 2024 GOP platform.

In a New York Times article published on July 18, reporters Jonathan Swan, Shane Goldmacher and Maggie Haberman detail Trump's campaign to dictate that platform.

"It was the ruthless efficiency of a process months in the making that squelched, silenced or steamrolled any forces who might oppose Mr. Trump," the reporters explain. "The result was the latest evidence of the political maturation of Mr. Trump and his operation."

Trump, according to Swan, Goldmacher and Haberman, was a total micromanager during the process of crafting the platform and "made clear to his team that he wanted the 2024 platform to be his and his alone."

Longtime Republican Gayle Ruzicka, who has served on several platform committees, is critical of the way the process was handled this time.

The Times journalists report that Ruzicka "said the participants had been told" one evening "that there would be subcommittee meetings" — but "instead, she said, delegates were handed what they were told was a draft on Monday."

Ruzicka, they add, "said that after roughly two hours and no amendments considered, the draft was ratified in full."

Ruzicka told the Times, "It was not honest, and that was what bothered me."

Tabitha Walter, executive director of Eagle Forum — the anti-feminist Religious Right group founded by the late Phyllis Schlafly in 1972 — is also highly critical of the way the platform was handled. And she said one woman in particular hounded her.

"Anywhere I would go get coffee and go to the bathroom, she would follow me around," Walter told the Times. "Any time I would take notes, she would read them."

Walter complained that the platform process "felt very hostile" and even compared it to "strong-arming."

According to Swan, Goldmacher and Haberman, Arizona State Rep. Alex Kolodin (one of the Republican delegates) "brought a laptop and printer" during a platform meeting — before "there was a quick vote to confiscate those and any other electronics."

"Mr. Kolodin said he had submitted ideas to the Trump team before the platform committee meeting but did not realize those gathered would have no actual say in the final document," the Times journalists report.

Kolodin told the Times, "This is all for show…. We all would have felt more respected by that upfront approach."

At that meeting, according to Swan, Goldmacher and Haberman, attendees "handed over their phones to party officials, who sealed them in the magnetic pouches."

"Mr. Trump and party operatives were allowed to keep their devices," the Times reporters note. "Only delegates and guests were denied the ability to communicate with the outside world."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Ron DeSantis

Republicans Do Have Policy Ideas For 2024 -- They're All Just Terrible

Republicans are heading into a 2024 election where their only policy is whatever Donald Trump said in his latest social media post. Being totally dependent on the passing whims of a single mercurial and vindictive leader is not a great position for any political party. But for Republicans, this might actually be a good development.

Not because Trump is anything less than a monster. But because, while Republicans do have ideas, they’re all terrible ideas.

No place illustrates that better than Florida, where Gov. Ron DeSantis is just starting to realize that his book bans are a total disaster. This cornerstone of anti-woke policies, which was eagerly adopted by Republicans in school districts nationwide, has led to such ridiculous levels of censorship that it’s now under attack by Ron DeSantis himself.

After DeSantis signed a bill that allowed anyone, even people from outside the state, to force schools and libraries to remove books or face criminal consequences, the state became America’s book-banning leader. By last fall, Sunshine State schools had more than double the bans of runner-up Texas and accounted for 40% of book bannings nationwide.

It’s become bad enough that DeSantis has finally recognized that those tagging books for removal were “intentionally depriving students of rightful education by politicizing this process.” But of course, it was an explicitly political process from the start.

DeSantis is speaking out against provisions of the bill he signed, like those that allow a single person to flag an unlimited number of books. But DeSantis is still insisting that many of those bans are “appropriate,” and he doesn’t seem to be talking about repealing the part of that same bill that made it a crime to use someone’s preferred pronouns.

Even if DeSantis gets Florida to back off slightly on the book bans, Republicans there are still hot to take up the critical issues of outlawing pride flags and preserving Confederate monuments. And if that’s not enough, the Florida commissioner of agriculture is attacking the United Nations for “woke” and “left-wing” policies that try to help the environment.

Republicans spent much of the last two years declaring themselves “anti-woke,” attacking trans people, and trying to chase down programs that encouraged diversity and protected the environment. But elections in both 2022 and 2023 have shown that voters don’t like these policies.

That even seems to be true of Republican voters, with poll results last fall showing that this was all a big meh, even on the right. The economy matters to Republican voters. National security matters. But “anti-woke” barely moves the needle.

The same has been true for corporations that tried to leverage anti-woke politics to ditch diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts or environmental policies. A study from November found that shareholder support for anti-ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) programs was “essentially nonexistent.” People don’t seem interested in investing in companies that are polluting, unfair, and out of control … which is nice.

But just because Republicans couldn't manage to make anti-woke happen, doesn't mean they don't have other policies that are just as bad. Or even that they’ve given up on woke. Because woke means anything they want it to mean.

For example, an Idaho state representative has declared that he is against federal funds for rural internet, because giving people in his state internet access is woke.

If they can't win on woke, Republicans can always go back to their sure winners, like the 14 states that refused money to feed hungry school children, the 26 states that refused additional federal unemployment benefits during the pandemic, a push to raise drug prices, and the brilliant idea to eliminate not student loan debt, but student loans.

Join Republicans in keeping Americans broke, hungry, uneducated, and unable to buy the medications they need! That’s a little long to fit on a yard sign, but they can workshop it. If that’s not too woke.

If none of that works, Fox News isn’t afraid to unlimber their anti-woke guns against the biggest target of all: Taylor Swift. According to Fox, Native American activists are worried that Swift could cost them a sacred part of their culture.

America’s most famous Chiefs fan right now, Taylor Swift, is being hailed by some as the great woke hope who can force the franchise to cave to charges of racism and end its "tomahawk chop" chant.

Republicans can surely put that near the top of the 2024 platform. Right above denying people the internet and right below “whatever Trump says.” Attacking Taylor Swift has been such a winning issue for them so far.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Trump and DeSantis

How Bad A Candidate Was DeSantis? He Flunked Charm School

What can you say about the guy? That Ron DeSantis was obnoxious? That he came off as weird? His failure to replace Donald Trump as the likely Republican nominee for president seemed preordained. His mistake was copying Trump's penchant for cruelty without absorbing any of the ex-president's talents as a performer.

When they were handing out the charm, DeSantis was off drowning kittens.

The apparent rationale for the Florida governor's campaign was that he would be right-wing like Trump without the baggage of having lost an election and supporting an insurrection. But then he broke into the Samsonite store and loaded up on a set of carry-ons, garment bags and a steamer trunk.

Leaders sometimes have to be tough. They have to put forth tough policies that some won't like because certain things have to be done. DeSantis made tough decisions simply because they looked tough. Worse, they were also stupid.

Exactly why he launched a holy war against Covid vaccines remains a mystery. He even mocked Trump for his program to fast-track development of the vaccine, one of the administration's few glories.

He said about Dr. Anthony Fauci, advocate of the shots and medical adviser to President Joe Biden, "Someone needs to grab that little elf and chuck him across the Potomac." He's quite the hombre.

DeSantis pushed through a law that forbids private companies from mandating that employees be vaccinated. In another intrusion into business decisions, he backed a measure to stop cruise lines from requiring that passengers be vaccinated. This is an industry that serves many older, medically vulnerable passengers and packs them in close quarters. And there was a pandemic going on.

The annals of American politics offer few equivalents of DeSantis' attack on The Walt Disney Co. Not only was the basis for it absurd; it wasn't even explainable. Disney's "sin" was publicly disagreeing with DeSantis on some piece of legislation regarding gay people. The governor couldn't let the company disagree.

He sent the lawyers after Disney, stripping it of an agreement that the state had made giving the entertainment company special status. The argument that it gave Disney unfair power could have been made, but this was a transparent act of revenge over nonsense. DeSantis imagined he had scored some ugly points by punishing the state's largest private employer, one that's associated with family fun.

He also seemed to think that the public enjoyed his threats against Miami hoteliers for letting drag queens perform on their private property.

In trying to squeeze to Trump's right, DeSantis leaves Florida with some of the debris. To win over a pro-life minority, he made abortion nearly illegal in that state. And that means the following: Middle-class Floridians wanting to end an unwanted pregnancy can obtain an abortion elsewhere. Poor or dysfunctional women, on the other hand, are being forced to have children that they don't want and can't afford.

Abortion bans have proven to be highly unpopular even in socially conservative states. Florida's cosmopolitan mix of opinions is undoubtedly even more supportive of reproductive rights.

DeSantis signed a law letting residents carry concealed loaded weapons without a permit. Just what Florida does not need, more lunatics walking around with hidden guns. DeSantis tried to gussy up the measure by calling it "Constitutional Carry."

You wonder whether DeSantis could even get reelected governor of Florida, especially if Democrats put up a breathing candidate next time.

Trump may be corrupt, treasonous, and losing his marbles, but he knows how to entertain his crowds, whereas DeSantis hasn't a clue. After pulling out of the race, DeSantis, of course, obediently endorsed Trump.

Perhaps he can use the freed up time to repeat some grades in charm school.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

What Haley's Late Iowa Surge May Portend For New Hampshire -- And Beyond

What Haley's Late Iowa Surge May Portend For New Hampshire -- And Beyond

While frontrunner Donald Trump appears to be on track to win the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley has been outperforming Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a second-place candidate in New Hampshire. And a Suffolk University poll released on January 11 found Haley in second place in Iowa as well.

If Haley outperforms DeSantis in the 2024 Iowa Caucuses and goes on to outperform him in New Hampshire, it will validate her supporters' view that she is the GOP's strongest alternative to Trump.

In a report published on January 15, the New York Times' Nate Cohn explains, "Any show of strength for Ms. Haley could be significant ahead of New Hampshire. She had already pulled to within striking distance of Mr. Trump there before Chris Christie withdrew from the race. Historically, primary polling is extremely volatile, and the candidates who surge late often keep surging."

Cohn adds, "Ms. Haley might still need just about everything to go right, and a burst of favorable media coverage after Iowa would only help. If so — and no Iowan will want to hear this — the biggest consequence of Iowa might just be in New Hampshire."

The Times reporter stresses, however, that Trump, according to polls, is still way ahead of Haley in Iowa.

"Of course, even a Haley win in New Hampshire would still leave Mr. Trump as an overwhelming favorite to win the nomination," Cohn reports. "Her appeal is almost exclusively concentrated among highly educated and moderate Republicans and independents, who make up an outsize share of the New Hampshire electorate but will do very little for her elsewhere."

Cohn continues, "But with Mr. Trump's criminal trials still ahead, perhaps there is still a scenario, however remote, where second place in Iowa tonight turns out to matter more than we imagine today."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

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