Tag: russia
There's One Word To Describe What Trump Is Doing

There's One Word To Describe What Trump Is Doing

As Americans struggle to grasp President Donald Trump's reversal of American foreign policy, which abruptly overturned decades of cooperation with other democracies to contain authoritarian aggression, many observers have faltered.

Describing what Trump has done strains the usual vocabulary of analysts, who are still not fully prepared to confront this administration's insidious purposes

Yet there is a word familiar from Trump's first term that now defines precisely what he and Russian President Vladimir Putin are up to. That word is "collusion."

For most of the past decade, nothing provoked more anger in Trump and his associate than that word, which evoked a sinister and secretive connection dating back to his first presidential campaign or in some versions much earlier. Rumors circulated widely about his alleged status as a longtime asset of Russian security services, beginning in the Soviet era, or his supposed vulnerability to gamy blackmail by those same agencies, or his desire, eventually well documented, to build a "Trump Tower" in Moscow.

And during that 2016 campaign, copious evidence emerged that not only had the Kremlin wanted Trump to defeat its nemesis Hillary Clinton, but its leadership had enacted a whole series of "active measures" to ensure that result.

Under Putin's direct orders, Russian agencies pursued a broad strategy of online hacking and disinformation. Based in Putin's hometown of Saint Petersburg, the Internet Research Agency launched a barrage of social media designed to promote Trump and denigrate Clinton, influencing millions of Americans during the election cycle with fabricated stories. Hackers working for Russian military intelligence invaded the databases of the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, releasing reams of stolen files and emails through WikiLeaks and other outlets to create embarrassment and distraction.

It could not have been more obvious that the Trump campaign welcomed and encouraged Putin's election interference. Donald Trump Jr., then-campaign chairman Paul Manafort and numerous other campaign aides met or contacted the Russians on as many as 200 occasions to pursue their shared objective. Even the sycophantic campaign chair Steve Bannon blurted that this pattern of behavior struck him as "treasonous."

Whether all this activity amounted to treason or not, the FBI and congressional investigating committees found enough evidence of espionage and other crimes to justify the appointment in May 2017 of former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a special counsel to investigate "Russiagate."

In addition to firing former FBI Director James Comey, Trump did everything in his power to thwart the Mueller probe, including the abuse of his pardon power to silence Manafort, former adviser Roger Stone and others. As Mueller reported in 2019, Trump's manipulations helped forestall indictments charging conspiracy between the Trump campaign and its friends from Russia, although Mueller indicted three Russian organizations and 26 individual Russians.

The inability to charge Trump or his associates for conspiring with the Russians to influence the election in no way mitigated Mueller's finding that the Trump campaign had welcomed the Kremlin efforts and expected to benefit from them — a finding corroborated by the Republican-led Senate Select Committee on Intelligence's five-volume report on the same matter, released in July 2019.

Nevertheless, Trump and his minions in the Republican propaganda machine obscured all the damning details to proclaim full exoneration — and Trump himself constantly repeated the phrase "no collusion," usually in all capital letters and punctuated as an exclamation, to insist that "Russia, Russia, Russia" was nothing more than "a hoax." Ever since then, he and his apologists have frequently and ludicrously declared that he was in fact history's toughest negotiator with the Kremlin, without a blush.

But now, behind the thin scrim of "peacemaking" in Ukraine, we see the noxious flowering of collusion in its fullest form.

From the Pentagon to the State Department to the White House, the direction of U.S. policy is unmistakable: to deprive the Ukrainians of sovereignty and freedom while bringing them under the Russian heel as quickly as possible. Among those advancing Russia's interests is Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, who boobishly capitulated in advance of the so-called negotiations.

Hegseth was surpassed only by Trump himself, who consulted secretly with his pal Putin while excluding Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy from the process, then insulted and threatened the Ukraine leader publicly.

This nefarious initiative has expanded in many directions, from Vice President JD Vance's threats against our European allies and his promotion of neo-Nazism in the German election to Elon Musk's use of his Starlink satellite system as an instrument of blackmail against Ukraine. Where it will go is terrifying to contemplate, but we can at least give it an accurate name.

It is nothing less than collusion between an American president and a hostile foreign dictator — and it is the most brazen betrayal in our history.

Joe Conason is founder and editor-in-chief of The National Memo. He is also editor-at-large of Type Investigations, a nonprofit investigative reporting organization formerly known as The Investigative Fund. His latest book is The Longest Con: How Grifters, Swindlers and Frauds Hijacked American Conservatism.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

​The American Pantagruel Has Allied Himself With Our Enemies

​The American Pantagruel Has Allied Himself With Our Enemies

It took us just thirty days into the second administration of Donald J. Trump to reach a signature moment in American history.

In calling Volodymyr Zelenskyy a dictator and accusing him of starting the war that his country has suffered through from Russian aggression for nearly three years, Trump has loudly and clearly taken the side of a real dictator against our ally, Ukraine. It's no longer as if Trump is acting like a Russian asset. He has raised the white, blue, and red flag of Russia over the White House. In military terms, Trump has switched sides and begun firing from Russian lines at American troops.

The United States began preparing for a land war in Europe with Russia's progenitor, the Soviet Union, 80 years ago at the end of the Second World War, when the Soviets militarily occupied the Eastern European nations that had been taken by the Nazis. The Soviets didn’t bother declaring those countries within their sphere of influence and immediately began treating them as client states. You need look no further than at photographs of Russian tanks on the other side of Checkpoint Charlie or rolling into Budapest in 1956 to put down the Hungarian Revolution for evidence of Russia's crimes against Eastern Europe.

In 1955, when my family debarked at Bremerhaven from a converted military troop ship called the General Patch, there were more than 300,000 American troops stationed in Germany, with about 70,000 more in France, and tens of thousands scattered around Italy, Great Britain, and other countries. We didn't arrive in Germany on a family vacation. My father commanded an infantry company in Stuttgart and was almost immediately put on alert and sent to the field for maneuvers and training that lasted for months at a time. My uncle James was an F-100 pilot assigned to fly missions along the border with Czechoslovakia to guard against encroachments by Soviet MiGs.

It was serious business to be assigned to combat units in Germany in the 1950s. The word that was used to describe the American military in Europe in those days was “tripwire.” The US Army and Air Force were stationed on European soil to deter the Soviet Union from turning the countries of Western Europe into more of its client states. The Soviet Union and its Communist leadership, headquartered in the Russian capital of Moscow, was the enemy of the United States.

Today, our enemy is the nation of Russia, led by its dictator, Vladimir Putin. If you have any question as to whether Russia has transformed itself into the enemy of Western Europe and the United States, all you have to do is look at the destruction Putin's military has wreaked on its much smaller neighbor, Ukraine, over the last three years, causing once again American military units assigned to Germany, Poland, and the Baltic states to be referred to as a tripwire.

The threat of Vladimir Putin’s Russia to Western Europe is so great and taken so seriously that Germany every year hosts the Munich Security Conference, attended by the secretaries of defense and military commanders of every country in NATO and the European Union. Those images you see in the papers or on television of European leaders around conference tables in Munich every year are not posed for show. Despite the juvenile presence of the American Vice President in Munich giving a speech that could have been written in Moscow, the security conference this year was especially serious for one reason: according to JD Vance and the drunken frat boy we have for a Secretary of Defense, Donald Trump decided to back Vladimir Putin and Russia against our allies in Ukraine. Listening to the words of Vance and Hegseth, no other conclusion can be drawn than that the United States is no longer acting as a member in good standing of NATO.

There is only one good thing about what Trump has done over the last two days. One of the readers of this column, Reed Bonadonna, put it better than I could in his comment today, which I will quote in full:

“As a military type, I feel a sense of excitement that the enemy has declared itself, looming like a hideous, toupéed Pantagruel. This, I begin to wondering see, is the battle for which we have always been preparing ourselves.”

I had to look up Pantagruel to discover how apt is Bonadonna’s comparison of Trump with this character created by Francois Rabelais in 1532. Pantagruel first appeared in his book, The Horrible and Terrifying Deeds and Words of the Very Renowned Pantagruel King of the Dipsodes, Son of the Great Giant Gargantua.

Rabelais has been described by critic John Parkin, author of The Rabelais Encyclopedia as “the world's greatest comic genius,” and his grand series of books about Pantagruel are seen as championing "the advancement of humanist learning, the evangelical reform of the Church, [and] the need for humanity and brotherhood in politics.” I mean, how perfect is it to compare Donald Trump to a character from the 16th century who used his own urine as a weapon in war and his tongue to shelter his army?

Humor may provide a lens through which we can consider anew this hideous monster who has been elected to the highest office in our land. But it is the fact that he has declared himself an enemy of his own country and indeed of all civilized human beings that marks this date as one we should remember and act upon.

We need to take comfort in the idea that our history has prepared us for a battle such as this one. We have risen to the occasion before, once to fight a Civil War to free enslaved human beings and make them our fellow citizens. Freedom is at stake again, this time for all of us. Donald Trump has declared himself our enemy. It is past time to square the circle and fight.

What 'Deal' Could Ukraine Have Made, You Babbling Imbecile?

What 'Deal' Could Ukraine Have Made, You Babbling Imbecile?

The D11T is the largest and most powerful bulldozer made by the Caterpillar Company in Peoria, Illinois. It weighs 248,500 pounds, is 36 feet long and 14 feet tall, has a width of 10 and a half feet, and has a 22 foot wide blade that can move 45 cubic yards of material in a single load. There is a desperate need for a row of about five or six D11Ts s to be lined up on South Ocean Boulevard in Palm Beach with their 850 horsepower engines spewing diesel smoke and their gigantic sprocket driven iron tracks groaning and clanking, and they should bulldoze Mar a Lago into Lake Worth Lagoon.

Why you ask, other than removing from the planet for good that hideously gross example of gold-plated bad taste and excess? Well, it would prevent Donald Trump from ever again holding a press conference there and spewing the kind of unhinged lies and garbage that he emitted from his cake hole earlier today. Trump was questioned by reporters about the negotiating session held between his Secretary of State, Marco Rubio, and the Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov. What did Trump do? He took direct aim at Ukrainian President Zelenskyy who was not present in Saudi Arabia for the talks over the future of his country.

Referring to Zelenskyy, Trump said, “Today I heard, ‘Oh, well we weren’t invited.’ Well, you’ve been there for three years,” Trump said with a sneer. “You should’ve ended it in three years. You should have never started it. You could have made a deal.”

Tanks and armored personnel carriers and artillery pieces and rocket launchers and infantry rolled across the Ukrainian border from Russia without warning three years ago next week and began their murderous rampage. Putin had been told by his military commanders and intelligence officials that his attack on Ukraine would be easy. The Russian army would take Kyiv in five days, and Ukraine would be his.

What deal could Zelenskyy have made, you Putin-toe-sucking baboon? I surrender? Please come on in and take our country and do whatever the fuck you want with it?

If we needed any evidence that US membership in NATO is a dead letter, and a new world order will be crafted in a gold-plated hot tub overlooking the Black Sea by a former KGB major and his bloated orange-haired half-human lackey, we have it now.

Seventy-seven million certifiable fools have turned the United States and indeed the world at large over to a man who can't see beyond the head of his golf putter. If you thought we were in trouble when Elon Musk and his teenage tech-manglers started running around and turning over desks in Washington, think again. With Donald Trump accusing Volodymyr Zelenskyy of starting the war that has destroyed a fifth of his country and killed more than a hundred thousand of his own citizens, we have truly entered the age when black is white, up is down, and two plus two equals a crypto coin with Trump's face on it.

I'm going to save the next sentence as a widget, so I won't have to keep typing it over and over again as we spiral into a black hole of madness and doom.

God help us all.

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist, and screenwriter. He has covered Watergate, the Stonewall riots, and wars in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels. You can subscribe to his daily columns at luciantruscott.substack.com and follow him on Twitter @LucianKTruscott and on Facebook at Lucian K. Truscott IV.

Reprinted with permission from Lucian Truscott Newsletter. Please consider subscribing.

American Dishonor: Licking Putin's Boot, Trump And Hegseth Abandon Ukraine

American Dishonor: Licking Putin's Boot, Trump And Hegseth Abandon Ukraine

After Trump’s phone call to Putin yesterday -- lasting 90 minutes according to the White House – it seems that any say Ukraine will have in its own future has been cancelled.

We've always known that Trump's reputation as a deal maker was a figment of his own imagination. I mean, this is the only man in recorded history to bankrupt not one but two casinos, the only businesses that are automatic money-making machines because the house has an edge in every single bet that is controlled, you guessed it, by the house. How do you lose money when you own the printing press? Well, Donald Trump figured out a way.

Today we learned that Trump has figured out a way to cause Ukraine to lose its war against Russian aggression that has lasted for three long and bloody years. Trump has apparently already negotiated away two of the strongest points of any potential deal with Putin over Ukraine’s future: without even letting President Zelenskyy in on what he was doing, Trump conceded all the territory in Ukraine that Russia has seized since 2014. Additionally, he has given Putin what he said he wanted from the first day in 2022 that he invaded Ukraine: Trump bargained away any eventual hope of Ukraine coming under the NATO umbrella before they even set up a bargaining table with chairs and notebooks and bottles of water for the negotiators.

Not only that, with Secretary of Defense Hegseth's grade school-level official statement in Brussels, U.S. support for any eventual NATO involvement in future "security guarantees" for Ukraine is off the table, along with continuing American military support for Ukraine including helping to rebuild the country. In fact, Trump is demanding that our European allies increase their financial support for NATO to five percent of their gross national product from the two percent Trump demanded during his first administration and that Europe alone is responsible for whatever happens next.

Security guarantees are meaningless unless they can be backed up. Look at what happened to Ukraine when they traded the nuclear arsenal located on their soil after the collapse of the Soviet Union for so-called security guarantees from Europe and the United States. Where were those security guarantees when Russian forces rolled across Ukraine’s borders three years ago? Where will any future security guarantees be after Hegseth made it clear in Brussels that neither U.S. forces nor apparently military aid will play any role in defending Ukraine from future Russian aggression once a so-called peace deal is signed?

I don't know what our NATO allies thought when Trump appointed this digit Hegseth as the civilian head of the largest armed forces in the world, but this is what happens when the Senate of the United States voted to confirm as Secretary of Defense a drunk covered in white supremacist tattoos who paid $50,000 to a woman to silence her after he allegedly raped her. Hegseth's arrogant and ignorant babble in Brussels today amounted to a declaration that U.S. membership in NATO is in name only.

Hegseth looked like what he is at the Ukraine defense conference in Brussels, an escapee from a Fox News talk show set where he frequently showed up drunk first thing in the morning. The Trump position that Hegseth parroted is not only a disaster for Ukraine but for all of Europe. We are witnessing a worse outcome for Ukraine of any I could have imagined.

There has been speculation among foreign policy professionals and national security experts that Trump has learned something about Vladimir Putin since that day in Helsinki when Trump’s prostrate position alongside the Russian dictator was so low and subservient he looked like a stain in the carpet. Today it became clear that the only thing Trump has learned about Putin is that taking a knee before the Russian leader is not enough. Trump now understands that it's better to get down on both knees and beg when he kisses Putin's ass.

Ukraine has bravely stood up for its sovereignty and honor and sacrificed greatly in its fight against the horrors that Russia has wreaked upon it. Today, to the everlasting shame of the United States of America, Donald Trump abandoned this great nation to a man who stands accused by the International Criminal Court of having committed war crimes against Ukraine. It's perfect when you think about it: a man with a criminal record of 34 felony convictions will sit down in the Oval Office next to a man who has arrest warrants with his name on them in countries all over the world, including the United States.

Yes, it has come to this.

Lucian K. Truscott IV, a graduate of West Point, has had a 50-year career as a journalist, novelist, and screenwriter. He has covered Watergate, the Stonewall riots, and wars in Lebanon, Iraq, and Afghanistan. He is also the author of five bestselling novels. You can subscribe to his daily columns at luciantruscott.substack.com and follow him on Twitter @LucianKTruscott and on Facebook at Lucian K. Truscott IV.

Reprinted with permission from Lucian Truscott Newsletter. Please consider subscribing.

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