Tag: stephen richer
Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer

Arizona GOP Official Says She'd 'Lynch' Her Party's Own Election Official

Shelby Busch, who is vice chair of the Maricopa County, Arizona Republican Party, was recently heard threatening the life of county recorder Stephen Richer — the top election administrator for the Grand Canyon State's most populous county.

MSNBC columnist Jahan Jones reported that during a recent GOP event, Busch made the remark about Richer, who is Jewish, to laughter from the audience.

"If Stephen Richer were in this room, I would lynch him," she said. "I don’t unify with people who don’t believe in the principles we believe in and the American cause that founded this country."

Busch added that she would prefer the county have someone in the office who would be "a good, Christian man that believes what we believe."

Richer, in the meantime, has been subjected to numerous death threats, particularly in the wake of the 2022 gubernatorial and U.S. Senate elections in which Democrats prevailed in both races. This is despite Richer being a Republican himself.

“If lynching is in your vocabulary you need to have a heart to heart with yourself,” Richer said, according to AZfamily.com. “That shouldn’t be in your vocabulary given the history of that term and it shouldn’t be on your vocabulary to say about anyone you with whom you disagree.”

According to Phoenix-based TV stations KTVK and KPHO, Busch is now facing calls to walk back her statement, though she insists the comment was made "in jest." The Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix (JCRC) condemned both Busch and the Maricopa County GOP in an official statement.

"We urge Ms. Busch to retract and apologize, and the Maricopa County Republican Party to stand against such rhetoric," the JCRC stated.

Maricopa County has been instrumental in Democrats' recent success in Arizona. Democrat Katie Hobbs defeated Republican Kari Lake by approximately 17,000 votes, with her victory made possible by her 38,000-vote advantage in the Democratic-leaning county. Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ) had a more robust margin of victory over Republican challenger Blake Masters, whom he dispatched by a 51-46 margin.

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

Maricopa GOP Official Scorches Party’s ‘Disgusting’ Role In Arizona Audit

Maricopa GOP Official Scorches Party’s ‘Disgusting’ Role In Arizona Audit

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

A Republican official in Maricopa County, Arizona, is again pushing back against former President Donald Trump's unfounded claims of widespread voter fraud.

According to Newsweek, Stephen Richer, the county recorder in Maricopa, penned a 38-page detailed letter to his fellow Republicans as he criticized the controversial election audit conducted by Cyber Ninjas, Inc. Describing the audit as "an abomination," Richer outlined a number of reasons why he believes the botched audit is built on a foundation of misinformation, reports Newsweek.

"At this point, I hope my principal motivation for speaking out is abundantly clear: the Ninja audit is an abomination that has so far eroded election confidence and defamed good people," Richer wrote in the letter.

Richer, who admitted that he, too, was a Trump supporter, explained why he initially refrained from voicing his concerns about the audit. Now, he believes it's gotten to a point where he has to say something.

"More than any moral code, philosophical agenda, interest group, or even team red vs. team blue, many politicians will simply do whatever it takes to stay in office." Richer wrote.

He went on to criticize the level of conformity he is witnessing within the Republican Party as he noted that he believes many lawmakers and Republican candidates are supporting the "Stop the Steal" campaign for their own political gain.

"Right now, a lot of Republican politicians have their fingers in the wind and think that conforming to Stop the Steal, or at least staying quiet about it, is necessary for reelection in their ruby red districts or a statewide Republican primary. So that's what they'll do. Multiple elected or hoping-to-be-elected Republicans have told me this explicitly," he said. "It's disgusting."

Although Arizona state Senate President Karen Fann (R) has adamantly defended the audit while claiming that it was needed to ensure election integrity, some Republican officials argue the audit has actually done the exact opposite. Richer also noted that the audit has indicated no signs of substantial or widespread voter fraud.

"After the November 2020 election, appointees from the Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian parties worked in bipartisan groups of three to hand count more than 47,000 votes," he wrote. "Though the County facilitated the hand count, the political party appointees performed the actual counting, not staff of Maricopa County. Those hand-counted votes matched the machine count 100%"

Richer added, "The County then ran another, post-election, logic and accuracy test to make sure the machines had not been disrupted in any manner during the election. The results again matched 100%."

Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs

Arizona Secretary Of State Seeks Criminal Probe Of Trump

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

Following the 2020 presidential election, then-President Donald Trump tried to overturn the election results in Arizona. It didn't work: conservative Republican Gov. Doug Ducey certified now-President Joe Biden's victory, much to Trump's chagrin — and Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, another GOP conservative, stressed that there was no evidence to support Trump's claims of widespread voter fraud in Arizona. Now, Arizona Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, a Democrat, is asking Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich to launch a criminal investigation of Trump for possible election interference.

On July 7, Hobbs asked Republican Brnovich's office to investigate whether or not Trump tried to improperly influence Maricopa County election supervisors in 2020 while the votes were still being counted. Fox News' decision desk called Arizona for Biden on Election Night, November 3, and the Associated Press called Arizona for Biden about three hours later. But other major news outlets held off on calling Arizona for the former vice president and ex-U.S. senator.

Trump was furious with Fox News for calling Arizona for Biden, repeatedly insisting that he won the state and putting pressure on Arizona election officials.

Arizona Republic reporter Yvonne Wingett Sanchez explains, "Hobbs said some of the communications 'involve clear efforts to induce supervisors to refuse to comply with their duties,' which could violate Arizona law. She cited the Arizona Republic's reporting last week on text messages and voicemails from the White House, Trump's personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and Arizona Republican Party Chair Kelli Ward to the Republican members of the Board of Supervisors."

Hobbs, in a letter e-mailed to Brnovich wrote, "The reporting also includes firsthand statements from the victims of this potential crime."

Hobbs isn't the only Arizona Democrat who is calling for an investigation of Trump's efforts to overturn the election results in that southwestern state, which was deeply Republican in the past but has evolved into a swing state with two Democratic U.S. senators: Sen. Mark Kelly and Sen. Kyrsten Sinema. It was also on July 7 that Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to investigate the possibility that Trump and his allies committed "an extremely serious crime" with their "pressure campaign" to overturn the election results. That "pressure campaign," Gallego said, shows "a disturbing trend following the 2020 election of Trump advisors and allies, and even former President Trump himself, committing potential crimes to overturn the election."

Hobbs and Brnovich are both candidates in the 2022 midterms. Hobbs is seeking the Democratic nomination in Arizona's gubernatorial race, while Brnovich is seeking the GOP nomination in Arizona's 2022 U.S. Senate race.

Maricopa County recorder Stephen Richer

VIDEO: Arizona Republican ‘Blood Bath’ Over Trump’s Phony Election Audit

Reprinted with permission from Alternet

In Arizona, Republicans are still promoting election lies with a blatantly partisan audit of the 2020 presidential election results in Maricopa County — and former President Donald Trump and his supporters are claiming that the audit is showing that he really won the southwestern state. But CNN's John King, in a May 17 broadcast, called out those claims for what they are — an outright "lie" — and brought on an Arizona Republic reporter to discuss the audit's lack of transparency.

King explained, "The former president says what they are finding is shocking. The entire database of Maricopa County in Arizona has been deleted, Trump alleges. Ballots are missing and worse, he goes on to say. There's only one problem with that, and it is a recurring one: Trump is lying."

King added that Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, a Republican, is fed up with the farce of an audit and tweeted, "This is unhinged. I'm literally looking at our voter registration database on my other screen. Right now. We can't indulge these insane lies any longer. As a party. As a state. As a country."

The CNN host then brought on Ryan Randazzo, a reporter for the Arizona Republic, to discuss the audit — which is being conducted by a Florida-based company called Cyber Ninjas.

King asked Randazzo if there is any "transparency" to the audit, and Randazzo — speaking from Phoenix — responded, "Not very much. We had to fight just to be in the room in the 19th row to watch what's going on with binoculars. But we don't know who's paying for it; so, we don't know, you know, if there are connections to the [former] president there. We don't even know who's running the Twitter account…. No, I wouldn't say there's a lot of transparency."

Randazzo noted that the audit was ordered by Republicans in the Arizona State Senate.

"They hired people who believe in conspiracy theories about the election to run this show, and they in turn hired people who believe in conspiracy theories to count the ballots," Randazzo told King.

King noted that there is a "divide in the Republican Party" about Trump's election fraud claims, which Richer has called out as bad for the GOP. And the CNN host asked Randazzo "how big" the "schism" within the Arizona Republican Party is over Trump's claims.

Randazzo replied, "It's massive. I mean, the election was run by the county supervisors, four or five of which are Republicans — and they're kind of sick of, you know, having the finger pointed at them that they oversaw something that was fraudulent when they know it wasn't. It's kind of a blood bath in the Republican Party here, with people who are standing with the president, people who are standing up against those statements — and then some in the Republican Party, like the governor, who really are just trying to avoid it."

Watch the video below:

CNN Arizonawww.youtube.com

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