Tag: supreme court
Elizabeth Warren

Top Democrats Challenge Usurped Power Of 'Far-Right' Supreme Court

The Supreme Court’s MAGA majority has produced some of the most dangerous rulings in the history of the institution this session, not only declaring that presidents could be king but also that federal courts—not administrative agencies—should get the final say on all federal policy.

Democrats are fighting to stop that. Massachusetts Elizabeth Warren and 10 fellow senators introduced legislation this week to overturn the court ruling that usurped the power of federal agencies. And not a moment too soon, because conservative activists were preparing for this ruling even before it came down, ready to flood the courts with challenges to the environmental regulations that affect just about every aspect of our lives.

In fact, a group of red-state attorneys general have already asked for an emergency ruling from the Supreme Court to block new Environmental Protection Agency rules intended to limit greenhouse gas emissions. The rules would require that coal and natural gas power plants either cut or capture their pollution by 90% before 2032.

This is exactly why Warren and her colleagues are fighting.

“Right-wing extremist judges and politicians in the pockets of Big Oil shouldn’t have free rein to block basic pollution regulations,” Warren told Daily Kos Thursday, in response to the conservative-backed challenge to EPA rules. “Congress needs to make clear that scientists, not corporate interests, should write environmental rules.”

That’s what the proposed legislation, sponsored in the House by Pramila Jayapal, would do. It would restore and codify the decades-long Supreme Court precedent that the Trump-packed court overturned this year, putting the experts in our federal agencies back in charge of protecting everything from our air and water to our food and medicines.

"Giant corporations are using far-right, unelected judges to hijack our government and undermine the will of Congress,” Warren said in a statement introducing the bill. This legislation would “bring transparency and efficiency to the federal rule-making process” and “make sure corporate interest groups can’t substitute their preferences for the judgment of Congress and the expert agencies.”

The scope of the MAGA court’s ruling is hard to grasp, as is the chaos that will ensue as federal courts are flooded with challenges to government regulations and previous enforcement actions—because the court also ruled that, in essence, there is no longer a statute of limitations for these challenges.

Conservative activists will target everything from the water we drink, the air we breathe, and the food we eat down to consumer protections, net neutrality, workplace safety, and so much more. It could even end up harming LGBTQ+ students.

Federal judges don’t have the necessary expertise in all these areas, and the power will swing to the big corporations and activists who will swamp the courts with challenges to existing and proposed rules.

But this legislation won’t pass in a GOP-controlled House, or in a Senate where Republicans can effectively veto everything via the filibuster, which consists of prolonged debate that delays and usually prevents voting on a bill. The only way to rein in an out-of-control Supreme Court is at the ballot box—where we can elect a Democratic House, Senate, and president who will fix it.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Joe Biden

What Should King Joe Do With New Power Bestowed By High Court?

No one seems to be worried that President Joe Biden will jump on the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity to call out SEALTeam Six to do some housekeeping. Or to introduce the six conservative members of the court to their new offices at McMurdo Station in Antarctica. Or, frankly, to do any of the things that Donald Trump seems to dream about every day.

That’s because Biden is a fundamentally decent person. He doesn’t need a court to keep him from stealing from charity, scamming people out of their life savings in the name of education, or laundering money for Russian mobsters. Somehow, even without the promise that he would never face prosecution, Biden has made it through over three years as president without once calling on the military to shoot people in the streets or trying to blackmail a foreign government into helping with the election.

The Supreme Court didn’t give the presidency any new powers. It only shielded the president from being prosecuted for almost anything that could be construed as related to their official duties. On the other hand, if that freedom from prosecution extends to assassinating your opponents, and you control the most powerful government on the planet, then what isn’t possible?

Here are a few suggestions for Biden. Please add to the list.

  • Nationalize Trump golf courses, turn them into national parks, and offer free access to all Americans. Skip that $300,000 membership fee and come on in. It’s not like Trump didn’t already put “national” right there in the name of most of his courses. Speaking of which, renaming all the courses seems like a good idea. The E. Jean Carroll National Golf Park seems like a good place to start.
  • Requisition Trump hotels to provide housing for the homeless. Now that the court has ruled it’s illegal to sleep while poor, a lot more shelter space is needed. Conveniently, there are already Trump towers sitting in several locations where they could be put to use, including Las Vegas, Chicago, and New York. Special floors should be set aside in case Texas Gov. Greg Abbott or Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis send any immigrants to town.
  • Cap CEO salaries at 10x the lowest employee, and make Elon Musk distribute his $50 billion bonus to his workers. Corporate executives make ridiculous amounts of money, corporate workers don’t. Let corporations settle that either way they want, by cutting the salary of the person at the top of the pyramid or raising the salaries at the base. And no funny it’s-not-a-salary-it’s-a-bonus malarkey. King Joe is not amused.
  • Take Clarence Thomas’ RV and ban him from Walmart parking lots. Most of these suggestions are designed to do some active good while also providing a soupcon of justice. This one is all justice. A guy who has taken $4,000,000 in bribes can afford to shell out for his own transport. And for God’s sake, Clarence, spring for the $20 to rent a spot at the nearest state park and stop lurking at the edge of the parking lot like a giant murder van.
  • Trains, trains, trains. How many miles of train track can be laid between now and the end of the year? King Joe has at least four more years to make the map of passenger rail in the United States look more like Europe and Asia. And when you have the whole Army to clear the way and level the ground, things can go much more quickly.
  • Immediate citizenship to anyone who tags a Republican senator. Want to jump the lines at immigration and avoid those endless hearings? Chase down Ted Cruz and put a big slap on his back. Bonus points if you tag Josh Hawley. He runs fast.
  • Replace Fox News with actual foxes. Foxes hunting. Tiny fox kits being cute. Arctic foxes bouncing through the snow and desert foxes prowling across the dunes. It would not only be much more interesting, but the national IQ would immediately rebound.
  • Put a shark-filled moat around the White House. How do you make sure that Trump never comes near the Oval Office? Surround it with the most fearsome predator this side of a wet battery.
  • Turn Mar-a-Lago into the new Ellis Island, welcoming immigrants into the nation with daily flights from the border on the former Trump jet. Also, immigrants get to enjoy the endless shrimp bar.

Don’t forget to add your own suggestions!

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

GOP Celebrates Presidential Immunity-- So Long As It Doesn't Mean Biden

GOP Celebrates Presidential Immunity-- So Long As It Doesn't Mean Biden

Monday’s Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity invites the nation’s leader to participate in a four-year crime spree, including doing away with opponents, while secure in the knowledge that they enjoy blissful elevation above the law.

Republicans are, of course, extraordinarily pleased.

Donald Trump started the ball rolling on his Truth Social site, calling the ruling a “BIG WIN FOR OUR CONSTITUTION,” even though there is no direct mention of presidential immunity in the Constitution. Other Republican lawmakers are piling on, expressing their satisfaction with a ruling that sets the president up to be a dictator.

So long as it doesn’t apply to the actual sitting president.

Every Republican lawmaker who’s spoken on the matter seems to agree that this ruling means that special counsel Jack Smith, who has indicted Trump in two different investigations, has to pack it up and go home.

While there are plenty of other Republicans eager to show Trump that they’re happy about his new, shiny armor, two of the responses are extra special.

While House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer shakes a fist at weaponizing the legal system for political gain, and House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan takes a punch at “hyper-partisan prosecutors,” neither says a word about the multiple investigations Republicans have run into President Joe Biden and members of his family.

Because, of course, they don’t read this ruling as protecting the sitting president. They read it as being specific to Donald Trump.

Even as they’re cheering for how this ruling allows presidents to act now and worry about the consequences never, Republicans are still complaining that Biden is a “dictator.”

The “Biden dictatorship” has become the way that Republicans talk about the incumbent president. It both gives their base something to whine about, and helps defuse Democratic statements warning about Trump’s actions should he return to power.

Here’s Doug Burgum, North Dakota’s governor and a shortlisted candidate for Trump’s vice president, appearing on Sunday’s edition of “Meet the Press”:

“Going into 2024, I think both parties are going to be very focused on [the election],” Burgum said. “I think the threat to democracy, as a governor in North Dakota today, I’ve been living under what I call the Biden dictatorship because of all the rules and regulations.”

Burgum was called out on this statement by host Kristen Welker, who pointed out that not only has Biden issued far fewer executive orders than Trump, he’s also issued fewer than Burgum has as governor. So does that make Burgum a dictator?

Burgum changed the subject.

To make it a little extra clear, another of Trump’s potential VPs, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, was over at “Face the Nation” on Sunday, explaining that without a ruling of absolute immunity, presidents might be prosecuted for almost anything.

But when it came to Biden, Vance had a different message. When host Margaret Brennan asked if Biden might be prosecuted under a Trump administration, Vance replied that it “would be the responsibility of the attorney general, Margaret.”

Republicans seem to have read this ruling as if it said "Trump" everywhere the Supreme Court wrote "president.” To be fair, that's probably what this partisan court meant. However, there is one former Republican official who seems to understand that this ruling can be applied more broadly.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

John Roberts

As Trump Promotes Military Tribunals For Revenge, Court Unleashes Him

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts admonished liberal members of the court in his opinion that vastly expanded the idea of presidential immunity on Monday. The court’s three liberal members were only “fear mongering on the basis of extreme hypotheticals,” he wrote.

That finger-wag toward terrified, dissenting justices came only a few hours after Donald Trump signaled his desire for “televised military tribunals” that would try former Rep. Liz Cheney for treason.

In less than a week, the Supreme Court has issued a string of rulings that demolish the ability of the government to regulate safety, labor, and the environment. Effectively, they’ve made being homeless illegal and being a Trump insurrectionist perfectly fine. And now they’ve presented a vast expansion of presidential power that exceeds the greatest dreams of Richard Nixon.

Everything that the Supreme Court has done in these rulings paves the way for Trump and his allies’ Project 2025 to complete the purge of democracy that this court has already begun. And it all makes defeating Trump infinitely more important.

There was a time when Roberts was seen as a moderating voice on the Supreme Court, as someone who was concerned about the court being accused of partisanship, and who was willing to ally with the court’s more liberal elements to keep a new conservative majority under control. But the court-watchers who made such predictions could not have been more wrong.

Despite his odes to stare decisis, Roberts has consistently voted to overturn long-standing precedent. Since gaining the support of three Trump-appointed radicals, Roberts has become a reliable member of a series of 6-3 decisions that have redefined the traditional role of the three branches of government.

In the decision on presidential immunity, Roberts is trying to dismiss the dissents of the three remaining liberal judges as overblown, but if anything, they are a subdued response to this ruling.

  • The ruling extends absolute immunity to anything that falls within the “‘outer perimeter’ of the President’s official responsibilities, covering actions so long as they are ‘not manifestly or palpably beyond [his] authority,’” Roberts writes.
  • In determining whether an act is official, “courts may not inquire into the President’s motives.”
  • Also, courts can’t “deem an action unofficial merely because it allegedly violates a generally applicable law.”

If you’re having trouble seeing how anyone is permitted to question any action of the president under this ruling, you’re not the only one.

As Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson writes in her dissent, “Departing from the traditional model of individual accountability, the majority has concocted something entirely different: a Presidential accountability model that creates immunity—an exemption from criminal law—applicable only to the most powerful official in our Government.” She makes it clear that the court creates a “multilayered, multifaceted threshold” that would have to be cleared to charge a president under any circumstance, meaning that “no matter how well documented or heinous the criminal act might be,” it can still be dismissed.

And when it comes to the theoretical example that was raised during oral arguments, yes, “a hypothetical President who admits to having ordered the assassinations of his political rivals or critics” or who “indisputably instigates an unsuccessful coup” still has “a fair shot at getting immunity” for those actions.

Don't tell me the conservative justices don't believe in abortion rights. They are currently trying to abort democracy in the 992nd trimester. And if they get Trump onto the throne they’ve built, the odds of ever finding America again are slim to none.

President Joe Biden may be the last remaining politician in Washington who maintains endless respect for the institutions we have inherited and the network of implicit agreements that kept our democracy patched together over two centuries. As recently as a year ago, he rejected the idea of expanding the number of justices or taking other actions to restrain a court veering dangerously away from its traditional role.

Biden needs to reconsider. The damage this court has done, in just a matter of days, is inestimable, and those horrific decisions are stacked on top of years of increasingly nonsensical rulings, including the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

This is a highly partisan court whose primary interest is in enacting a radical MAGA agenda. It’s also a court that has repeatedly made clear that it holds itself above the law and has nothing but contempt for anyone trying to hold it accountable. Now it wants to extend that privilege to Trump.

This court must be tamed. But most of all, this court must be prevented from joining the man whose throne they have been preparing. This nation can’t survive this court and Donald Trump.

Joe Biden is going to have to beat them both. And we’re going to have to help him.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

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