Tag: trump agenda
On Planet MAHA, Vaccines Are Bad But Bacteria-Laden Milk Is Good

On Planet MAHA, Vaccines Are Bad But Bacteria-Laden Milk Is Good

What's wrong with sriracha? And, by the way, what is sriracha? Sriracha is a hot sauce of Thai origin made from chili peppers, vinegar, garlic, sugar and salt. The rap against it centers on its high levels of sugar and sodium. But Sriracha is normally used in tiny amounts, so where's the problem? The other complaint, that it's "too hot," has an easy remedy. Use less of it, or don't use it.

Such debates are part of the sprawling MAHA movement. MAHA stands for Make America Healthy Again. The name's nod to MAGA makes it sound like part of the Trump agenda.

MAHA is a rummage pile of diverse interests ranging from organic farmers to homeschoolers to anti-vaxxers. It has spawned a swarm of "influencers," podcasters and, most definitely, entrepreneurs pushing products that nurture body, soul and gullibility. At the same time, its emphasis on fresh food and exercise is laudable.

Crackpot conspiracy theorist Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is Donald Trump's choice to head Health and Human Services. "Bobby" spreads unfounded accusations against life-saving vaccines and promotes dangerous "natural foods" such as raw milk. If confirmed, he would try to send health policy on a mission to planet Omicron Delta. Star Trekkers know Omicron Delta as a giant amusement park that can read people's minds and make real anything they imagine, from fairy-tale characters to deadly threats.

Back on planet Earth, Trump wants RFK Jr. to "go wild" on health care. Bobby claims that a worm has eaten at his brain, which makes one worry for the health of the worm.

The claim that unhealthy diets are contributing to childhood obesity, diabetes and other scourges is solid. But some arguments over what constitutes a bad diet are far from simple.

"Ultra-processed foods" have become the all-purpose villain. MAHA holds that food conglomerates are forcing ultra-processed foods onto the American public. Two problems here. One is that no one is forcing anyone to buy or eat food they don't want to. The other is that the term "ultra-processed" is both misused and hard to define.

The Washington Post and other classy news sources were recently suckered by a study claiming that consumption of ultra-processed plant foods, including plant-based meats, was associated with higher rates of heart disease and premature death. Researchers at the University of Sao Paulo and Imperial College London put out the report. Imperial College led its press release with a photo of plant-based burgers.

Trouble is, plant-based meats may be ultra-processed, but they can be healthier than the real thing. More concerning, plant-based meats were almost entirely absent from the study condemning them.

The report also used a cheesy method for categorizing foods. Foods with gluten were automatically put in the ultra-processed column, but gluten has long been a meat alternative (Seitan is made from wheat gluten.) Under these definitions, tofus with natural flavorings and thickeners can be categorized as ultra-processed.

"It's a concept prone to illogical free association, lumping together Cheetos with ultra-healthy fermented beans," Vox reported.

If the Senate confirms Kennedy, Trump would surely swat down any of his ideas that conflict with big money. He's already announced that Bobby cannot get near oil drilling, thus nixing one of his chief environmental causes.

Vaccines are another matter. One can be assured that Trump and family have all their shots, but if other adults die from preventable diseases, well, that's on them. And if their unvaccinated children die from polio or measles, I would not be alone in judging those parents guilty of child abuse.

Taking MAHA's dimmer demands seriously would be a gamble with the public's health. What happens on Omicron Delta should stay on Omicron Delta.

Reprinted with permission from Creators.

Sorry, Liberals. We Have To Talk About Economics — And Race.

Sorry, Liberals. We Have To Talk About Economics — And Race.

Two conclusions about Donald Trump’s highly offensive and obviously effective campaign for president are undeniable.

He was the first Republican in decades to compellingly speak to the economic concerns of at least some workers, though he did so by making heartbreakingly impossible promises and with a plan no economist, in a recent survey of experts, believes will help the middle class. And he played to white identity politics in an unabashed way that dragged the old, barely coded racial appeals of “law and order” and “the silent majority” into the 21st century — while updating them with attacks on immigrants and Muslims that once would have gotten you banned from a decent message board.

Some on the left want Democrats to ignore the racial appeals implicit in Trump’s campaign and focus almost entirely on a populist economic agenda that will help all workers, as the Democratic agenda did effectively for generations. There have been several variations on the theme but they’re probably best summed up by the headline for a column David Paul Kuhn wrote in the New York Times: “Sorry, Liberals. Bigotry Didn’t Elect Donald Trump.”

But to insist that Trump’s fans must be blazing bigots for race to have been a deciding factor in the 2016 election plays exactly into the right’s strategy of hollowing out the middle class. According to IanHaney-López, UC Berkeley law professor and author of the essential Dog Whistle Politics, that strategy uses identity politics to generate “broad popular support for politicians and policies that transfer our nation’s wealth to the new robber barons.”

It’s a “false choice” to suggest Democrats must chose between “pocket book” issues and so-called “identity” politics, Haney-López argues: “To say that racial aggrievement fuels American electoral politics is not to say that America is a country of bigots.”

We “play into conservatives’ hands,” he writes, when we let them get away with the notion that “racism must look like a Klan hood and burning cross.”

Trump never used racial slurs and was, for instance, forced to back off explicitly racial attacks on Judge Curiel’s Mexican heritage. He hastened to add “Some, I assume are good people,” immediately after suggesting that millions of Mexican immigrants were rapists and criminals. Those hedges reveal that there was a method to what some Democrats called his madness.

“When progressives understand race solely in terms of bigotry — or shy away from talking about racism because it’s a fraught conversation —they play into conservative [strategies],” Lopez says. We can’t deny that “Trump made race a cornerstone of his appeal,” even if there are examples of Obama voters becoming Trump voters.

“Focusing on the Obama-Trump voter is less a successful rebuttal than a form of denial,” Haney says, noting that the phenomenon ignores factors like sexism and voters’ tendency to vote for the “change” candidate. Most importantly that voter represents “a tiny slice of the electorate,” likely less than 7 percent, which is almost irrelevant compared to Trump’s success at mobilizing white voters who hadn’t turned out in previous elections and Democrats’ failure to mobilize non-white voters who had.

Even Kuhn acknowledges that racism “appeared more concentrated among Trump voters,” while assigning Trump’s success to other factors.

Understanding how Trump and the GOP effectively use race requires seeing that the right is “waging a culture war around gender, elitism, and especially race, using coded and not so coded terms to trigger strong resentments.” This is specifically designed to persuade white voters to cast ballots that are not only against their interests but suicidal for the middle class.

Yes, the economic anxiety many Trump voters felt is real and must be addressed. But addressing that anxiety exclusively would be a big mistake, according to Haney-López, because “it assumes that economic pain comes first, and so, it implies that finances are more fundamental than scapegoating.”

Racial resentment has made the rigged economy we all live in now possible.

The parties have not switched their polarities from the North to the South, and the GOP didn’t become a party that is 90 percent white with 98 percent white elected officials by accident, Haney-López notes.

So how do we begin to change this?

Ignoring racism and focusing solely on economics helps the GOP, and that won’t even be an option considering whom Trump’s policies will target, Greg Sargent argues.

But Haney-López asserts that the Democratic Party presenting itself as “a coalition of minorities, each with discrete identities but united by a few shared interests” won’t reverse the trends that have fed massive inequality either.

Instead, we need to tackle the right’s white identity politics for what it is: a scam against the entire American working class.

“To regain control of government, progressives must directly address the divide-and-conquer politics employed by the right,” Haney-López says. “This doesn’t mean blaming white men for being racist or sexist, nor does it mean neglecting economic issues.”

It puts the burden on the left to invest in outreach that speaks to economic pain and explains explicitly how the right’s agenda is a scam to pit workers of all races against each other, while millionaires and billionaires suck up all the growth of the economy and almost exclusively benefit from Trump’s agenda, starving the American Dream.

“Democrats must re-tell the story of the last 50 years, emphasizing how race and other culture-war issues have been used to divide and conquer,”  Haney-López says. “This is fundamentally a story of shared interests and a common enemy.”

He’s been making this argument for years. But now that Democrats have seen and all of America will soon see the destructiveness of unchecked white identity politics, maybe we’ll all start to listen.

Sorry, but we can’t afford not to.

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