Tag: trump allies
Trump Allies Setting Stage For Post-Election Violence

Trump Allies Setting Stage For Post-Election Violence

Donald Trump’s allies have set the stage for contesting November’s election—and doing so violently. Following a bonkers war-games presentation Thursday—including scenarios in which Barbra Streisand is kidnapped by Hamas and Trump wins but is immediately arrested by the FBI—the Heritage Foundation declared that the election is already being rigged against Trump and made more threats of violence.

“As things stand right now, there’s a zero percent chance of a free and fair election,” said Mike Howell, executive director of Heritage’s Oversight Project. That project is “technically independent of the Heritage Foundation,” The Washington Post reports, “but included multiple Heritage employees.”

“I’m formally accusing the Biden administration of creating the conditions that most reasonable policymakers and officials cannot in good conscience certify an election,” Howell continued.

“If we see the kind of manipulations that we saw in 2020, I wonder if average Americans who are supporters of the president [Trump] will swallow that so easily as they did in 2020,” Adam Ellwanger, a rhetoric professor at the University of Houston-Downtown who helped lead the presentation, said.

That’s a not-so-subtle call to arms for MAGA world. Worse, it follows last week’s declaration from Heritage President Kevin Roberts. “We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be,” he said on a right-wing news channel.

During Thursday’s presentation, Howell accused the Biden administration of a “coordinated invasion over our southern border for the purposes of impacting this election.”

Not to be outdone, extremist GOP Sen. Mike Lee of Utah told Fox News’ Laura Ingraham that it is a "virtual certainty" that Democrats are registering undocumented immigrants to vote, and will “harvest the ballots” and “Democratic operatives will fill those out.”

Obviously, none of these conservatives has presented any evidence for their claims.

Heritage released a report Thursday stating that President Joe Biden could try to hold the White House “by force” if he loses in November, and that “the current president and his administration not only possesses the means, but perhaps also the intent, to circumvent constitutional limits and disregard the will of the voters should they demand a new president.”

This is the very narrative that the Trump campaign and allies have been setting: that the election is rigged against Trump, and if he wins despite that, Biden will use his “weaponized” government to prevent Trump from taking office. Note that Biden, of course, has said he will accept the results of the election, while Trump has repeatedly refused to do so.

As if we need more evidence of Trump’s ties to Heritage and Project 2025 (and there are more every day), they are working together to lay the groundwork for contesting the election—again—but this time, they are putting the threat of Jan. 6-style violence front and center.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Trump's Project 2025 Is 'Blueprint For Soft Coup' -- Like Orban's Hungary

Trump's Project 2025 Is 'Blueprint For Soft Coup' -- Like Orban's Hungary

With Project 2025, former President Donald Trump's allies in the Heritage Foundation lay out a game plan for radically overhauling the United States' federal government if he defeats President Joe Biden in November and returns to the White House in January.

The idea behind Project 2025 is to fill the federal government with Trump loyalists who are fully committed to the MAGA agenda, including Christian nationalism. According to CNN, Heritage's Project 2025 and the America First Policy Institute — another group promoting ideas for a second Trump term — are looking to far-right Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as an authoritarian role model.

During an early May segment, MSNBC's Ali Velshi discussed Project 2025's goals with two Trump critics: conservative Republican Olivia Troye (a former aide to ex-Vice President Mike Pence) and liberal Vanity Fair journalist Molly Jong-Fast.

Velshi told viewers, "The threat that Project 2025 poses to our democracy cannot be overstated…. Probably the most troubling aspect of Project 2025 is its plan to grant Donald Trump unchecked power over the executive branch…. Project 2025 is ultimately a blueprint for a soft coup, one that replaces our age-old system of checks and balances with cronyism."

Jong-Fast shares Velshi's views on Project 2025, warning that much of the Republican Party has embraced "authoritarian Trumpism."

The Vanity Fair writer told Velshi and Troye, "One of the things that I think is the top line here is that every single government agency will be politicized. So, that means that from the FDA to the DOJ to the EPA, every single part of the federal government will be serving Trump and his Republican Party. And if you think about that, that's actually really terrifying…. Now, imagine an entire federal government that serves as a campaign arm to Donald Trump."

Velshi noted that the Heritage Foundation, historically, has been a "fairly mainstream conservative think tank" that "was once associated with Reaganism" — and the conservative Troye agreed with Velshi that Project 2025 is a "radical plan by the far right."

Troye told Velshi, "This is not a conservative plan. It is the more extreme arms of conservatism that you are seeing reflected in here. And I think it goes to show the complete transformation of the Heritage Foundation — a group that actually, for a long time, has been long-respected."

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

James Comer

Trump Allies Mock (And Bully) Comer Over His Impeachment Flop

As he closes in on the Republican nomination, Donald Trump needs House Republicans to deliver an equalizer for him in the general election: an impeachment of President Joe Biden.

But after a yearlong investigation led by the House oversight committee chair, Rep. James Comer, Republicans seem no closer to digging up any actionable dirt on Biden. That leads to two conclusions:

  1. If the pro-Trump House GOP conference hasn't found anything on Biden, it's unlikely anything legally actionable exists.
  2. It becomes even more imperative for House Republicans to scrape together something Trump can work with.

After all, when pundits call him the twice-impeached, four-time indictee, Trump has to be able to point at Biden and say he's the one who's really corrupt. Just look at what Congress found on him. It's very reminiscent of Trump attempting to extort Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy into opening a bogus investigation into Biden. Only now, Trump has so many legal liabilities, he needs more than just the specter of wrongdoing—he needs the goods. And according to some fascinating reporting from The Messenger's Stephen Neukam, Trump has taken note of the fact that he's currently got nothing on which to spin a corruption narrative.

“Comer has cast a wide net and caught very little fish. That is a big problem for him,” one ally of Trump told The Messenger.

The reporting is informed by more than a dozen anonymous interviews, including a House Republican colleague who calls Comer's inquiry a "parade of embarrassments."

“One would be hard pressed to find the best moment for James Comer in the Oversight Committee,” the GOP lawmaker said.

But in many ways, the leaks seem specifically designed to put Comer on notice that he not only needs to produce, but he'll be singularly on the hook if he doesn't.

“James Comer continues to embarrass himself and House Republicans. He screws up over and over and over," said a source identified as "close" to House GOP leadership, who appeared to be playing CYA for the leadership team. The source's big fear was that Comer would ultimately fail to provide the foundation necessary (i.e. evidence) to follow through with impeaching Biden.

“I don’t know how Republicans actually impeach the president based on [Comer's] clueless investigation and lack of leadership,” said the source.

The quotes had the feel of a failed campaign staff pointing fingers at each other as the ship goes down, only the campaign in this case is the Republican effort to impeach Biden.

Publicly, of course, House leaders are expressing full confidence in Comer.

"I am grateful for the superb efforts of Chairman Comer," Speaker Mike Johnson said in a statement, while House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said Comer had "worked tirelessly" on the investigation.

But Comer's misfires have become legendary: providing nothing substantive, just a series of accusations and innuendo that don't amount to a hill of beans. In fact, Comer's investigation has become a punch line in the media. As Daily Kos' Mark Sumner wrote in November, Comer had uncovered another "smoking water pistol."

In fact, just last month, CNN's Jake Tapper mocked Comer during a live interview.

And when the oversight committee met earlier this month to debate holding Hunter Biden in contempt for refusing to give closed-door testimony, the younger Biden made a laughingstock of House Republicans by staging a surprise press conference in which he volunteered to provide public testimony.

“It seems like they got played by Hunter Biden,” a senior House GOP aide told The Messenger. “It was a disaster. They looked like buffoons.”

To sum up, the boss needs production, Comer has become a national joke, and the House leadership is happily hanging him out to dry.

In response, Comer issued a statement through a spokesperson saying that House Oversight, along with the Judiciary and Ways and Means committees, are coordinating to "determine whether President Biden's conduct warrants articles of impeachment."

Yeah, that's not gonna cut it.

"You have to start producing," one Trump ally said. "The base is starting to get more and more frustrated with him because they see all this smoke but they don’t see the movement.”

If that sounds like a mob-boss threat, that’s because it is.

Reprinted with permission from Daily Kos.

Trump Document Scandal Grows

As Trump Document Scandal Grows, His Allies 'Go Dark' And Pull Away

Former President Donald Trump’s allies are reportedly becoming more apprehensive about defending him in wake of the Federal Bureau of Investigations' (FBI) latest search warrant executed at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida.

On August 12, Washington Post reporter Josh Dawsey appeared on MSNBC where he weighed in on the latest development.

“As people around him have learned more details about the extent of what he was keeping there, and the various efforts behind the scenes to get them, short of a search warrant, alarm has grown in recent days when you talk to advisers of the former president,” Dawsey said during the Friday discussion.

He went on to suggest that he believes their decision to distance themselves from Trump may be a permanent one.

“Some of them are starting to go dark," he said adding, "and to stay as far away from this as they can.”

Dawsey also noted that many of Trump's allies may be unaware of what type of documents he may have had in his position which only adds more concern about what has transpired.

Per HuffPost, the search warrant, which took place on Monday, August 8, resulted in FBI agents confiscating 20 boxes of documents from Trump's estate. The documents are said to have included "11 sets of classified information, from Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate and resort in Florida, according to the warrant and property receipt used by the FBI to conduct the search."

Dawsey's interview follows a federal magistrate judge's decision to unseal the documents after receiving a request from U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Per the news outlet, "some of the seized classified information was highly sensitive and top secret, designated to remain only in a secure government facility."

The search warrant is also said to have indicated that the former president is being investigated for possibly violating the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice, and the removal and destroying official go rnment documents. However, no further details about the investigation have been provided.

Watch the video below or at this link.

Reprinted with permission from Alternet.

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