Tag: trump deal with taliban
Republicans Frantically Erasing Trump’s ‘Historic’ Deal With Taliban

Republicans Frantically Erasing Trump’s ‘Historic’ Deal With Taliban

Reprinted with permission from DailyKos

As Taliban forces entered Kabul—Afghanistan's capital and largest city—and Afghans rushed to Hamid Karzai International Airport in a last-ditch effort to flee the regime, the Republican National Committee (RNC) decided it no longer wanted to claim credit for the "historic peace agreement" the Trump administration brokered with the Taliban.

As recently as June, the RNC website boasted that Trump had "continued to take the lead in peace talks as he signed a historic peace agreement with the Taliban in Afghanistan, which would end America's longest war." The RNC page linked to articles calling the deal a "decisive move" toward peace and "the best path" forward for the U.S.

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