It’s one thing to stand by principles and fight to the end over how to fund government, and quite another to celebrate its collapse. Tim Pawlenty, who left behind a budget deficit that contributed to Minnesota’s government shutting its doors today, celebrated another shutdown that took place under his watch in 2005 and even said he wished it had lasted longer:
“I think it was nine days (of shutdown) at that time, and I think we could have gotten a better deal if we had allowed that to continue for a while and the people of Minnesota would have seen the issues play out a little longer,” the Republican presidential wannabe said last night at a press conference at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International airport.
This continues Pawlenty’s unabashed appeal for the far-right orthodox conservative vote, but it’s hard to see how being on board with the government shutting its doors in Minnesota doesn’t suggest Pawlenty would be one to bring the U.S. government to a halt, should voters decide to put this guy in the White House.