Trump Reportedly Wants The State Department To Rush Clinton’s Email Release To Distract From Russia Investigation
Reprinted with permission from AlterNet.
CNN’s Gloria Borger said that President Donald Trump has instructed the U.S. State Department to quickly release Hillary Clinton’s emails from the time she served as secretary of state.
A backlog of Freedom of Information Act requests has reportedly slowed the process of releasing the emails to the public.
Three sources told Borger that Trump had a simple message to the State Department: “Get it done.”
The president has also been trying to promote a conspiracy theory that Clinton was involved with a corrupt uranium sale to Russia.
Watch the CNN segment below.
Chris Sosa is an associate editor at AlterNet. His work has appeared in Mic, Salon, Care2, Huffington Post and other publications. Previously, he was a campaign specialist and media spokesperson for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Follow him on Twitter @ChrisSosa.