Judge Orders Oath Keepers LeaderĀ  Rhodes Jailed Ahead Of Sedition Trial

Judge Orders Oath Keepers LeaderĀ  Rhodes Jailed Ahead Of Sedition Trial

Stewart Rhodes

By Jan Wolfe

(Reuters) -A U.S. judge on Friday said Oath Keepers militia founder Stewart Rhodes should remain in jail as he awaits trial on a charge of seditious conspiracy for his alleged role in plotting the deadly January 6, 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol.

Rhodes, 56, is the most high-profile defendant of the more than 725 people charged with playing a role in the attack by then-President Donald Trump's supporters. His lawyer said there is no evidence that Rhodes conspired to block Congress from certifying Joe Biden's election.

He is one of 11 members or associates of the Oath Keepers facing a seditious conspiracy charge.

(Reporting by Jan Wolfe in West Palm Beach, Florida; Additional reporting by Jacqueline Thomsen in Washington; Editing by Leslie Adler and Alistair Bell)

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