WATCH: Rep. Steve King Thinks $20 Billion Food-Stamp Cut Is No Big Deal

Ol’ Reliable, Rep. Steve King (R-IA), never lets us down. He can always be counted on to say something hideously, astoundingly stupid, ignorant and bigoted because — let’s face it — this is a man who once said his proudest moment as a lawmaker was voting “no” on a relief package for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

So it should surprise no one that earlier this week, the Iowa Republican took to the House floor to pooh-pooh the silly notion that cutting $20 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — better known as food stamps — might be noticed by the millions of American families who depend on it to make ends meet.

As King explains, “After all of that technical gibberish, the bottom line is a $20 billion cut is a $2.5 billion cut in the increase… $20 billion spread out over 10 years is not something that is going to be noticeable.”

Yeah, what’s $20 billion — with a b — among desperately needy friends, eh, Steve? BFD! That’s a measly $2 billion a year… it would hardly make a dent in the grocery budgets of millions of poor families. They won’t notice a thing.

Video of this typically cold-hearted display of insensitivity is below, courtesy of Think Progress:

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